Как мина седмицата ви? Моята беше продуктивна и съм доволна от тренировките си. Вчера правих негативни лицеви опори, които изцедиха силите в ръцете ми. Тръпката определено беше различна, но се радвам, че разнообразих треировката си с тях.
Пожелавам ви хубав уикенд, хранете се добре и се движете повече и междувременно, намерете малко време за най-интересните статии, които прочетох тази седмица.
Първо, статиите в InspiredFitStrong за изминалата седмица:
Топ треньори отговарят: Моите топ 5 книги, които промениха живота ми
А сега най-интересните статии, които прочетох тази седмица:
5 Helpful Analogies for Understanding Complex Health Issues
Parents of Girl Who Died of Peanut Allergy
Another Reason You Shouldn’t Go Nuts on Nuts
Strong Is The New Shut The Fuck Up
I’m 40 And Feeling Better Than Ever
Fruit Is Meant to Be Eaten Not Drunk
A Different Version of Crossfit
Some Tips for Those Who Train in The Morning
8 Easy Bodily Actions That Transform Mental Performance
Neuroscience Reveals The Deep Power of Human Empathy
STRONG! An interview with weightlifter Cheryl Haworth
Of tiny pink dumbbells and fat chicks
Oldest man in the world lives to 123 on diet of lizards and skunk meat
Golden Arches: Human Feet More Flexible Than We Thought
The Problems with Modern Wheat
The Problems of Cultivated Fruit
Why You Shouldn’t Burn More Than 4000 Calories a Week
You Might Be In Trouble If You Don’t Know This One Thing about Your Mind
When Work Is a Nonstop Vacation
Tree Hugging Scientifically Validated
Meat-Sweet Potatoes-And-Eggs in a CrockPot!
Why You Need To STOP Setting Goals
How I Got Here: Reflection on My Journey from Beginner to Advanced
CrossFit, Olympic Wrestling and Dan Gable
Quick and Easy Ways to Feel and Move Better
CrossFit, Tough Mudders, and the rise of social-physical challenges
The No-So-Evils of High-Rep Weightlifting
High Protein Intake: Myths and Misconceptions About Safety (Part 1)
CrossFit preps Houston Texan Earl Mitchell for critical year
Post-Workout Nutrition: 10 Articles To Help You Fuel Your Training
Five Best Sleep Tracking Gadgets or Apps
Baddest Motherf*ckers Ever – Dana Linn Bailey (NSFW)
Trade Offs: What Will You Trade For What You Want?
5 Ways to Spice Up Eggs and Bacon
A Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting
Dentistry In Harmony with Nature
Optimal Nutrition for Strength Performance
Women’s Only: “OMG You Have an Amazing Ass”
The Crossfit Cert Doesn’t Make You a Coach
Боровинково-бананова сурова торта
П.С. Ще ви бъда много благодарна, ако ми помогнете да популяризирам тази статия, като я споделите с вашите приятели! Благодаря ви!