62 Things Worth Reading

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Инес Субашка
Ines Subashka

How was your week? Mine was like the whole January- busy, but wonderful. I can’t wait for my last semester to be over, so I can have more time for my favorite books.

This week, I practiced a little less, because I had to wake up at 4a.m. and I was a ittle tired. I love the fact that I learned to listen to my body and work with it, not against it. Now I rest, when I feel like it and I push myself when I fee I can. This way my body recovers much faster and I feel great most of the time.

Enjoy your weekend- move more and eat heathy. Meanwhile find time for my favorite reads of the week.

First, (more…)

43 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading43 Things Worth Reading



How was your week? The holidays are over and I hope you got some rest and that you are even more motivated and filled with enthusiasm. That’s exactly how I feel. I want to do so many things, and I am full of desire and enthusiasm.

Enjoy your weekend. Eat good food and move more. Meanwhile read my favorite reads for the week.

First, (more…)

49 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading49 Things Worth Reading

Снимка: http://sallymiller.co.uk
Image source: http://sallymiller.co.uk

How was your week? Mine was great. My workouts are going great and I am satisfied. I hope that you can share the same thing about yours. I can’t wait to go to the park ( I go there every day), but I somehow love early morning walks on Saturday.

Take the time to go for a walk as well and then read my favorite reads for the week.

First, (more…)

96 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading96 Things Worth Reading


IneS Subashka

How was your week? Don’t be shocked by the number of articles on my list. Last week, I warned you that I have opened a BUNCH of articles that are just waiting for me to read them. So I did, what I was expected to do. Now it is your turn.

Meanwhile, don’t forget to eat quality food, move more and have a wonderful weekend!

First, (more…)

58 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading58 Things Worth Reading

The beautiful Lindsay Messina

How is your week? Hope you are setting PRs and getting healthier and stronger. I had a lot of stuff to do this week, but I am so satisfied with the results. Plus, I am so thankful that I have the most wonderful job in the world, that allows me to be surrounded by goal oriented, inspiring, motivating people.

Take some time to go out for a walk and eat clean during the weekend. Meanwhile check out my favorite reads!

First, (more…)

56 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading56 Things Worth Reading

The beautiful Neghar Fonooni :)
The beautiful Neghar Fonooni 🙂

How was your week? Hope you are hitting PRs, eating clean and enjoying every single day! :)) I read a lot of stuff this week, and there are some outstanding articles, so take the time to go through the list of my favorite reads for the week and enjoy the knowledge!

First, (more…)

66 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading66 Things Worth Reading

Ines Subashka-pistol squat
AFter the pistol squats on the trash can, now it is on a bench and soon I will do one on a tree branch 😀

Hope you had a wonderful week. Mine was great. I am still tired, so I intend on picking a bench in the park and enjoying my weekend, sitting there and reading! SO you could take a walk in the park instead of me! Don’t forget to eat clean and enjoy life. Stay positive. Life is full of wonderful people, and I promise that you will meet them more often, once you stop doubting their existence.

Meanwhile don’t forget to check out my list with favorite reads for the week.

First, (more…)

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