Do You Still Believe These Lies?

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“I don’t work out, because I have kids.”

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Are you sure that this is the reason you are not working out? Or you are just using your kids as an excuse, so you could feel better about yourself?

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“I can’t get in shape, because I am too old. Old people can’t work out!”

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Yea, right! Old people CAN work out. They are actually the once that would benefit the most of working out and not sitting on the couch all day long! Do me a favor! Go to, type “old people working out”. Find out how others do it, leave your excuses at home, and get yourself out of the house, and get some work done!

I am too busy! I don’t have time!” (more…)

Do You Want to Be Fit? Here Is How I Can Help You Achieve It!

Continue ReadingDo You Want to Be Fit? Here Is How I Can Help You Achieve It!

Инес Субашка
Инес Субашка

I can’t make you lean!

The only thing I can do is give you the nutrition tips. But it is all up to you!

It is up to you, if you can show some will and discipline and eat the food that fuels your body, not your emotions!

I can’t make you strong!

The only thing I can do (more…)

A Couple Things You Should See Before You Start Working Out!

Continue ReadingA Couple Things You Should See Before You Start Working Out!

You could go to the gym and do endless cardio...                                                   ...and end up looking like this             Or you could take one of those things below-called weights....  …

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