IFS Individual Training
In IFS we approach our trainees individually. We take into account your goals and physical abilities. We know that every person has different requirements, worries, caprices and strange sides, which make him unique and that is why we offer individual training. A coach, besides the person who helps you achieve your goals in the gym is a friend – the coach is the one who you could trust and whose presence gives you the freedom to be yourself. This is the only way to progress. Write us and tell us more about yourself, your goals and requirements and we will choose a coach from our team, who will best suit your needs. Then we will contact you back, as soon as possible, so you can sign up for your first individual training – the one that will set the beginning of the path to a better self.
Please write us if you have a question here.
Our individual training are limited to two participants.
IFS Group Training
In IFS we approach our trainees individually. We take into account your goals and physical abilities. We know that every person has different requirements, worries, caprices and strange sides, which make him unique and that is why we offer individual training. A coach, besides the person who helps you achieve your goals in the gym is a friend – the coach is the one who you could trust and whose presence gives you the freedom to be yourself. This is the only way to progress. Write us and tell us more about yourself, your goals and requirements and we will choose a coach from our team, who will best suit your needs. Then we will contact you back, as soon as possible, so you can sign up for your first individual training – the one that will set the beginning of the path to a better self.
Please write us if you have a question here.
Our group training are limited to 8 participants.
IFS кондиционните тренировки са подходящи за всеки, който иска да постигне отлична форма, без да отделя несметни часове за трениране. Тренировките в IFS са в рамките на един час. Тренировката обхваща цялото тяло. Използваме само многоставни упражнения или с други думи, движенията, които са естествени за тялото – клек, напади, тяга, набиране, лицеви опори, и т.н. С кондиционните тренировки ще повишите силата, издръжливостта, мобилността и координацията си, а атлетичната визия ще бъде само следствие на усилията, които сте положили, за да подобрите физическите си способности. Тренировките са съобразени с нивото ви на физическа подготовка и всяка следваща тренировка ще надгражда това, което сте усвоили, за да непрекъснато да се чувствате мотивирани и вдъхновени от прогреса, който постигате. Очакваме ви в IFS.
What is mobility and why all of us need it?
In IFS we consider movement to be nutrition for the cells. Just the way nobody likes eating just boiled chicken and green salads, when it comes to movement, the body doesn’t enjoy lifting just weights or doing just cardio. The body loves all the nutrients that movement can’t provide and what it loves the most is mobility. In order to progress with our workouts and in order to feel healthy, we need to take care of our body and sustain its natural range of motion.
Mobility is what helps our body move with full range of motion. When you have mobility, you allow your joints to get enough nutrients in order to be healthy. A body that has mobility, is a body that has health.
A lot of people mistaken mobility with flexibility, but they are quite different. Being mobile doesn’t mean to just have a particular range of motion, but also enough stability and strength to use them.
Mobility workouts are just another shortcut to a deeper connection with your body. We invite you to try the mobility workouts in IFS and we promise you that you will change your perspective about movement. I promise you that you will feel how you get sweaty from movements that might seem easy and when you actually perform them, you will realize they are a challenge.
The body of each one of us deserves care. Do not neglect your body and try our mobility workouts.
And do not worry – the mobility workouts are suitable for everybody. Every exercise is being scaled for you, so you can improve with your own pace.
Handstands are a gymnastic skill, which builds a lot of control over the body. Besides that it is a lot of fun.
- Everybody who wants to train with bodyweight
- Everybody who is not afraid to try something new
- Everybody who loves to master new skills
- Everybody who doesn’t like boring workouts