How was your week? Mine was like the whole January- busy, but wonderful. I can’t wait for my last semester to be over, so I can have more time for my favorite books.
This week, I practiced a little less, because I had to wake up at 4a.m. and I was a ittle tired. I love the fact that I learned to listen to my body and work with it, not against it. Now I rest, when I feel like it and I push myself when I fee I can. This way my body recovers much faster and I feel great most of the time.
Enjoy your weekend- move more and eat heathy. Meanwhile find time for my favorite reads of the week.
First, the articles on InspiredFitStrong for the past week:
Do You Lack Motivation to Live Healthy? Here Is Plenty of It!
Don’t Go Out on A Date without Reading This
And now my favorite reads for the week:
How I Tricked My 2 Year Old Into Loving Veggies
Competitive? Remember That We Do This for Fun
Busy Isn’t Respectable Anymore
Why Do I Have a Metallic Taste in My Mouth During Strenuous Exercise
Are You Guilty of a Butt Wink?
Sleep Quickly? Sleep Restrictions!
How to be an Effective Mentor in Times of Change
A Little Girl’s Experiment Will Change The Way You Think about Food
The Conversation That Has to Be Had about Crossfit
What 10 Things Should You Do Every Day
Michael Pollan about the Paleo Diet
Four Strategies to Raise Profits by Paying Employees More
14 Year Old Is A Swimming Legend
Intermittent Fasting 2 Years Later (read it)
Finding Pleasure in Chores Might Boost Self-control
7 Steps to Becoming a Champion
Avoid Alcohol to Build Muscle and Lose Fat
Why Your “Max” Isn’t Your Max – The 6 Types of Actual Maxes
Top Three Reasons Women Don’t Lift
I’ve Seen The Future Of Health Tech And It’s Going To Improve Your Life In 2014
The Backbone Ritual: 6 Moves to Get Your Back Into the Groove
Since I Was Nine, I’ve Hated My Thighs
Advancing Bodyweight Skills: Proper Handstand Progressions
How Bands Are Actually Holding You Back
What’s Preventing You From Doing Pistol Squats? How to Progress Pistols
Passion, Consistency, and Strength
Why The 10 000 Hours Work is A Myth
I No Longer Want to Be Better Than You
Some Pitfalls of Movement Correction
The Six Things That Make Stories Go Viral
7 Crippling Parenting Behaviors That Keep Children From Growing into Leaders
What Losing 100 Pounds Taught Me about How We Treat Overweight People
Foolproof guide to treating and preventing the flu
Preserving the bank angle off the floor
Why you should never buy disposable water bottles again
How much caffeine is actually in your coffee, from Dunkin to Starbucks
7 Things to Remember When You Think You Are Not Good Enough
What Our Dietary Guidelines Should Be
Don’t forget to download my FREE E-Book- 30 Exercises on Becoming a Wonder Woman. Download it HERE.
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