43 Things Worth Reading

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How was your week? The holidays are over and I hope you got some rest and that you are even more motivated and filled with enthusiasm. That’s exactly how I feel. I want to do so many things, and I am full of desire and enthusiasm.

Enjoy your weekend. Eat good food and move more. Meanwhile read my favorite reads for the week.

First, (more…)

67 Things Worth Reading

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How was your week? Mine was great even though I am really busy. Still, I am full of enthusiasm and my desire is something like a fuel, which gives me strength to go through each day full of energy.

It is wonderful when you know what you want, and when you wake up every morning eager to get out of bed, and face the new day, where you have the opportunity to work hard, give your best and move step by step towards your goal.

I hope that you are getting fitter and that you are becoming more conscious; that you feel better in your own skin and that with every passing day you start noticing more and more the beautiful side of life.

Have a wonderful weekend and go through my list with favorite reads for the week!

First (more…)

49 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading49 Things Worth Reading

Снимка: http://sallymiller.co.uk
Image source: http://sallymiller.co.uk

How was your week? Mine was great. My workouts are going great and I am satisfied. I hope that you can share the same thing about yours. I can’t wait to go to the park ( I go there every day), but I somehow love early morning walks on Saturday.

Take the time to go for a walk as well and then read my favorite reads for the week.

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43 Things Worth Reading

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Ines Subashka
Ines Subashka

How was your week? Hope that you trained enough and that you ate good, quality food. Hope that every week you are building more and more healthy habits, and that it gets easier for you to stick to them

Take the time to go out for a walk during the weekend and meanwhile read my favorite reads.

First, (more…)

56 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading56 Things Worth Reading


Ines Subashka- bhandstand-street

How was your week? Mine was wonderful. I am trying to challenge myself and go out of my comfort zone in different areas of my life. Sometimes it is hard to dare, but it always turns out to be a lot of fun.

So this weekend challenge yourself more. Eat clean and move more. Meanwhile, read my favorite reads for the weeks and don’t forget to share them with your friends. I’d greatly appreciate it! 🙂

First, (more…)

49 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading49 Things Worth Reading


Ines Subashka

How was your week? Mine was wonderful. I rally love autumn and I try to steal every chance I have to go in the park and enjoy the season.

Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to eat healthy and move more. Colder weather is not a reason to be inactive, but just a reason to dress with warmer clothes.

Meanwhile read my favorite reads for the week.

First, (more…)

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