Is Healthy Eating More Expensive? How to Save Money Shopping?

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I often hear people saying that healthy eating is too expensive. More often than not these are just plain excuses by people who have absolutely no information or do not have n idea what they are talking about, but just try to justify there bad eating choices.

Today I will explain you why healthy eating isn’t more expensive and I will give you a couple suggestions how to save money when you go shopping!

Why healthy eating isn’t more expensive?


Are You Eating Enough?

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When people decide to change their nutrition, they usually made some of the following mistakes- eat too much, don’t eat the right foods, eat way less. Today I want to focus more on, how to understand if the food you eat is enough for your body!

How often do you hear somebody, who is following a nutrition plan, to say “ I feel dizzy and I don’t have any strength!”. If you feel in a similar way, this is a sign that something isn’t right!

How could you understand what is the problem? (more…)

Celebrity's Diets- Healthy or Unreasonable?

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Every now and then I read some articles, that preach different celebrity’s diets. I remember the past, when I used to believe all this things were true and I thought that by following such a diet, I would become like a Hollywood star. I am happy that I am done with this, but the sad part is that there are still thousands of people, and mainly women, who believe this crap. If we start from “Kim Kardashian’s cookie diet for sexy butt”, and go to Tracy Anderson’s Method and etc. all this is absurd!

I do not like the fact that in places where it is supposed to have information about healthy living, they nose in such articles, just to attract attention and popularity!

Some time ago, I watched a TV show, where 5-6 year old girls, suffered (more…)

Mindful Eating- Change How You Eat and the What Will Take Care of Itself!

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Let me tell you a story…

There was a person who struggled with his weight. He was dying to look good and feel good, but somehow never managed to do it. He was trying so hard to eat the right thing at the right time, but he always screwed things up, gave in to temptation, sometimes he indulged in food, to only take himself further from his goal. He was trying so hard to figure out where he loses it all, where he slips, trips and falls!

Now let me take you out of the story! Does that sound familiar? Do you somehow relate yourself to the story above? Have you asked yourself a thousand times “Why?”

The answer is simple (more…)

Reprogramming Your Genes With Proper Eating! Is It Possible?

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Can you think of the fitness maniac, who is hanging out in the gym every single day? He always spends more time, bothering you with his thoughts about life and how he always does everything right, but he just doesn’t have the good genes, and that means he is destined to be overweight! There is at least on of those in every gym, so I bet you’ve met a person like the one described.

Often times people get it all wrong, because they mix up the lack of information with genetic predestine and condemnation to failure. But is it really like that? Today I will discuss the vast topic of gene reprogramming.

Truth is, that your genes do not dictate your future success, nor if you are gonna have diabetes like your grandma, or high blood pressure like your dad and so forth. If you wanna change (more…)

Which Fats Are Good For Hot Use And Which Fats Are Good for Cold Use?

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There are a lot of health myths being spread out there! There are a lot of people who have the desire to eat healthy, nutritious food and many of them fool themselves they actually do it. I have noticed that most healthy eaters consider olive oil to be the best fat source and use it for everything. When I go to a friend’s house, all of them always rush to show me the olive oil and start bragging that they are living healthy!

I will first say that there is nothing wrong with olive oil, but as long as you do not use it for cooking- i.e. olive oil is great for your salad, but it is not a good idea for your scrambled eggs!

In order to understand (more…)

What Are You Waiting For?

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What are you waiting for?

Are you happy with where you are now? Are you happy with your job? Your body? Are you satisfied with the results you get? Are you satisfied with your marriage?

People come to me everyday and say the same thing:

“I will start tomorrow.”

“I will start on Monday.”

“I will start next month.”

“I will star when my exams are over.”

And what happens? (more…)

January Top 10: 10 Things Worth Reading!

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It is time for January’s Top 10 Articles. Below I picked up 10 of the articles that gathered the most attention during the past month! Beneath each headline I wrote a short summery. If you’d like to read the whole article just click on the hyperlink! Enjoy! (more…)

Are You Setting Yourself For Failure?

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I have stopped saying “I can’t” as in, “I can’t eat that ….”
What I say, and mean, is: “I choose not to eat that”.
“I choose not to eat that” gives me power
I am in control of what I put into my body. I have made a conscious choice and I decide every second what I want. I am not passive, or swept away by emotion or helpless under duress or temptation.

I’ve noticed that the self talk part is really important. It either sets you for success or it sets you for failure! If you constantly (more…)

Did You Know The Secret Behind The Best Diet And a Good Workout?

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Инес Субашка
Ines Subashka

You know how they say that the more you read the more you realize you know nothing! I bet that those of you who are keen on reading understand what I am talking about. I spend a huge amount of time reading and educating myself about nutrition, workouts, human body and etc. The amount of information is really vast, and at times it could be hard to gather the truth and not pay attention to the useless tips. There are so many programs out there, so many gurus, so many theories that at times I wish I have never started reading!

Through a lot of mistakes, experiments and observations I’ve come (more…)

How We Could Use The Minimalist Approach To Workouts And Nutrition?

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Have you heard about minimalists? Do you know who they are? It is simple! These are people who are satisfied with living with the things they really need! No luxury, nothing unduly! Consumerism and caprice are foreign to them! What does all this have to do with workouts and nutrition? Well read… (more…)

Why We MUST Eat Fat

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Forgive me that I allow myself, mentioning  the forbidden word “fats”. I am aware that most of you, are afraid from fats and just the mere thought of eating them, makes you feel ten pounds heavier! Unfortunately all of this is a big fat lie! Let me ask you what is your diet? Some of the wide spread “healthy diets”? What did you achieve by fueling your body like that?…yes…you don’t need to tell me! I know that you still look and feel, just the way you did when you first started the diet! Then, why do you keep on resisting the change? Why don’t you try something different? Anyway, you are wandering all the time, searching for the proper nutrition and you never get to reach your goals! Then, take some risks!

Why we MUST eat fat?

Here are a couple reasons, (more…)

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