How You Could Always Find Time to Workout!

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You always have time!

If you are like me, probably you always find time to workout. No matter if you have to stay late at the office, if you are stuck in traffic, if it is raining outside, if you have to clean, cook, study or whatever- there is always time for a workout! Unfortunately a big per cent of people, claim that they have the desire to workout, but they could hardly find time to do it. If you are a person with clear, set goals, which require good time management, the excuse “ I do not have time”, rarely works!

Not a few people think, that in order to have a good workout, you need to have a structured program, at least two free hours to stay in the gym, some additional time for all the rituals that follow the workout( I mean what you eat before the workout and after the workout). Truth is that this concerns only professional athletes. If you are a professional swimmer- yea, it would be normal to workout twice a day and meanwhile fit a workout in the weightlifting room. You will probably need to pay more attention to the food and supplements you take.

The problem is that most of you aren’t professional athletes, and have no intention on becoming one! Did you forget why you want to workout? Because you want to be healthy and fit! Well then workout in a way to achieve exactly this!

So what you are supposed to do? (more…)

Your Reasons ( Excuses) For Not Eating Healthy and My Solutions!

Continue ReadingYour Reasons ( Excuses) For Not Eating Healthy and My Solutions!


1.I am outside all day long and there isn’t any healthy food

This is my “favorite” excuse! Let me ask you… you can buy croissants, and put them in your bag; you can buy a sandwich and take it for later; you can buy pop tarts and take them with you… then what is stopping you from preparing good, quality food at home, and then storing it in Tupperware and taking it with you for later?

Every time, when I know that I am not gonna be home all day long and there isn’t a place, where I can buy good food, I prepare it at home!

I don’t get it, why you would be ok to take out of your bag a croissant or a sandwich, but you (more…)

Starve Yourself, Like Me!

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Continue ReadingStarve Yourself, Like Me!

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Did you really think I am starving? No way! 😉

Starving… probably this theme is already lame, but I still see a lot of people, starving themselves, when they are trying to lose weight.

When I say starving yourself, I am not talking about the so popular intermittent fasting. The difference between starving yourself and being an intermittent faster, where you alternate periods of not eating, with periods of eating, is huge! Intermittent fasting could help you reach your goals, it could become a lifestyle and it could make you feel better, and even though I don’t like it, I do not deny it!

What happens when somebody goes on a diet in order to lose weight: (more…)

Do You Still Believe These Lies?

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“I don’t work out, because I have kids.”

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Are you sure that this is the reason you are not working out? Or you are just using your kids as an excuse, so you could feel better about yourself?

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“I can’t get in shape, because I am too old. Old people can’t work out!”

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Yea, right! Old people CAN work out. They are actually the once that would benefit the most of working out and not sitting on the couch all day long! Do me a favor! Go to, type “old people working out”. Find out how others do it, leave your excuses at home, and get yourself out of the house, and get some work done!

I am too busy! I don’t have time!” (more…)

Too Early, Too Cold, Too Hard…

Continue ReadingToo Early, Too Cold, Too Hard…

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To be unsatisfied with where you are and still don’t take an action to change it!

Not feeling good in your own skin and still follow your bad habits.

To have low self- confidence and still feed your mind with negativity and denial!

To feel lost and still keep walking on the same path.

How many of you find yourself in this description? How many of you, feel tired from the place you are, the job you have, your body (more…)

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