Krustyo Tyutyundzhiev: А Life Where Limits Do NOT Exist!

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Krustyo Tyutyundziev

Ines Subashka: Introduce yourself.

Krustyo Tyutyundzhiev: My name is Krustyo Tyutyundzhiev and I am 25 years old. I live in Panagyurishte- a rown in Bulgaria. I work as a fire fighter and emergency rescuer.

IS: When and how did you get involved in sports? What are the sports you participated in during the years? 

KT: The story starts long time ago. My whole family has something to do with sports. My grandma and my grandpa were track athletes and later on they became PE teachers and coaches. My father used to be a sprinter and my mother was a sport shooting competitor. Sport is just in my veins! 😉

I started competing in track when I was 8-9 years old. My coach was my grandpa. I competed in different disciplines, but the best one was hurdling. I have a couple medals on national level competitions. After that in seventh grade, I had to move to another town, and there weren’t good conditions for hurdling preparation.

I was forced to stay in shape,  playing other sports, like fitness, basketball and swimming. In 12thgrade, when I was 18 years old I started doing freerun with the boys in town. The freerun was just getting popular and it was like a dream came true! Finally I managed to participate in something that was keeping me in shape and in the same time it was extreme enough to suit my character!IS: How did you decide to compete in the professional sport of firefighters and the stunting? These two are really extreme and not very common sports!

КТ: My desire to participate in these sports comes from my competitive and extreme personality. I am always there searching for more adrenaline and if it could be combined with competition- that’s perfect!

After I (more…)

Annie Mist Thorisdottir: The Fittest on Earth

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Today we will have the pleasure to read what last year’s Crossfit champion, Annie Thorisdottir had to share with us. Eventhough she was “crowned” the fittest on Earth, that hasn’t changed her personality- she is really nice, charming and forthcommin.  Reading her interview you will see why she won the Crossfit games in 2011- the combination of dedication, hard work and talent are only few of the things that could describe Annie! And instead of writing more words that only belittle what she truely is, I will let you read what she had to say… (more…)

Ilian Petrov: The Brave Heart of Bulgaria

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Ilian Petrov

You look through the window. The weather is cold and it is dark. You’d think that it will be a bad day. Your soul is almost as cold as the weather outside. Right there, in this moment, somewhere in Sofia, in a small gym, there is a man, who could find all the reasons to stay at home. He could find a reason to curse the weather, his fate or his life. But instead he is always smiling. He fights every difficulty with a smile on his face.

Somewhere, Ilian Petrov is fighting for what he believes and what he loves. He is fighting for what gives him strength to face the hardships that every day has to offer!

Ilian is born without a limb and he grows up an orphan. But that isn’t a green light for him to use it as an excuse and become a failure. He has strong faith and big dreams, which take Ilian to the tops of athletics. Today he is one of the top athletes in the world in his discipline! (more…)

Simona Naydenova: The Girl Who Isn't Afraid of Lifting Weights

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Ines Subashka: Introduce yourself.
Simona Naydenova: My name is Simona Naydenova. I am 23 years old.

IS: For how long have you been in the fitness industry? Have you done some other sports before that?
SN: I’ve been involved in fitness for the past eight years. Before that I was a professional volleyball player. Since I was a child, I was really passionate for sports. When I was little I was a gymnast, then I played basketball, handball, swimming and dancing.

IS: Do you follow a nutrition plan? (more…)

Gailna Gegenava:The Beautiful Lady Who Went From Anorexia and Bulimia to Fit and Healthy

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Galina Gegenava

It is said that humans are the supreme form of life on Earth. Then what is capable of destroying the human race if not the human himself? Today’s story is an example how the demons in our own mind can overtake our body and our entire life, take us on a journey, where we will have to face the scariest-our own self, own solitude and hopelessness…a  journey, where few people manage to survive but everybody has the chance to do it as long as he believes in himself and the unlimited possibilities of the human mind!

Today the interview is with Gailna Gegenava. A woman, who went through the terrible consequences, caused by her destructive thoughts and negative perception of her body. Today Galina looks amazing- her body “says” that she is healthy,fit and strong. Her body shows she has control over her thoughts and her life. But her life wasn’t always that way! For years Gailna struggled with eating disorders, then gained weight to become overweight, until she found the right path, that took her to the place where she stands today-happy and beautiful!

Ines Subashka: How and when did everything start? (more…)

Stacey Kroon: The Charming Lady Who Kicks Ass In The Gym!

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Stacey Kroon

What happens when you take everything life throws at you with a big smile on your face? Well,  life smiles back at you and gives you the opportunity to have a life filled with joy. Gives you the possibility to do what you love and be surrounded by people who help you get through difficulties! Today the interview is with Stacey Kroon. A woman that has the most charming smile ever. A woman whose heart is filled with love and positivity! Check out what Stacey shared with us! (more…)

Michael Hristov: The Boy Who Outran His Fate!

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Michael Hristov

Do you know what it is like to know about a person, you’ve never met…a person who doesn’t know about your existence, but somehow when you hear his name or some new about his accomplishments in life and in sport, your heart fills with pride? Pride that even though the world is full of pessimists, there are still ambitious, hard working and worthy people. People who are among us, to use their self example in order to motivate us, to give us hope when we feel down and give us strength when we feel weak!

Michael Hristov is one of these people! He is a unique example about the limitless possibilities of the human nature, about strong will and brave heart! When he is only 15 years old, a bad accident happens, and he got both of his arms amputated! Thus, this bad incident takes him to a place, where Michael gets the opportunity to show what he is made of! Michalel enters the world of track and field, and shows us that in the future we will be hearing about him and his records more often! Check out what Misho shared with us and “steal” at least a small part of the optimism and the desire to live, that this boy has (more…)

Emmanuel Smith- The Future Crossfit Champion?

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Emmanuel Smith

Today the interview is with Emmanuel Smith. Probably you’ve heard of him or probably you haven’t, but I bet that in the future his name will become more and more popular! Check out what Emmanuel had to share with us. Where did he start from, where he is now and where he hopes to go in life! (more…)

Aaron Jannetii: A Man On A Mission To Change The World

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Image source:Aaron Jannetti

There are people, that we’ve never met and probably will never meet! There are people, who we don’t know in person, but people who have something deep inside. Something that makes them different, unique and valuable! Today, our guest is Aaron Jannetti- a coach, an athlete, a person with huge heart and desire to give a helping hand to everybody that have made the decision to change his life!

Read the stories, that Aaron shared with us- how a person stuck to the bed for over a year, can take his life back (more…)

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