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Ines Subashka: Introduce yourself.
Simona Naydenova: My name is Simona Naydenova. I am 23 years old.

IS: For how long have you been in the fitness industry? Have you done some other sports before that?
SN: I’ve been involved in fitness for the past eight years. Before that I was a professional volleyball player. Since I was a child, I was really passionate for sports. When I was little I was a gymnast, then I played basketball, handball, swimming and dancing.

IS: Do you follow a nutrition plan? If yes, do your friends and family understand why you eat that way?
SN: Sure! I follow a nutrition plan. Truth is that in order to be in great shape, it is 60% nutrition and 40% working out. My family and friends are used to my eating habits. I have been doing this for a long time, so they understand it. People who aren’t involved in sports, think that’s weird but I understand them. They have a really different life, and they just can’t see the reason behind everything that athletes do.

IS: What would be your advice to people that struggle to keep on track with their diets?
SN: Each nutrition plan could be challenging at the beginning. It requires some effort and some will. My personal advice would be to just eat real food and cut the junk food. Eat often and enough! Results will be there, just be patient!

IS: When you started lifting weights, were you afraid that you will get bulky?
SN: Even at the beginning I was somehow attracted by the weights. I find cardio really boring and I love weights. I’ve never been afraid I will get bulky. In my opinion there isn’t anything more beautiful than a woman with nice, defined muscles. Of course everything has limits.

I am a fitness instructor and 95% of women that come to work out tell me they do not wanna get bulky! I answer back “Girls this is stupid. You can’t build muscles so easy. It takes years of lifting, proper eating and supplements!So do not be afraid- LIFT WEIGHTS”

IS: What would be your advice to women who are afraid of lifting weights? How would you encourage them to try?
SN: As I already said, there isn’t anything more beautiful than a woman with nice, athletic body. And in order to look like that you will need to lift some weights.

IS: Do you participate in competitions?
SN: So far I haven’t participated in a competition. But who knows- in the future I might try. A person should try from everything in life! 🙂

IS: What does sport take from you and what does it give to you?
SN: I can’t tell what it takes me, because I think there isn’t such thing. Otherwise it gives me so much. It is a way of life! I can’t imagine what life would be if I do not work out. As a whole it makes me feel better, healthier and it lets my body function properly. It is my way to get rid of negativity and feel myself.

IS: How would you finish the sentence “I workout, because…”?
SN: I workout because that is my choice, my life. Very few of us,manage to find something that makes them feel happy, satisfied and stick to it. I am happy to be one of these people, that found it. When I am in the gym I feel alive and happy. It fuels me with positivity and strength. The hours I spend there, make me forget about all the problems. What could be better than finding a pace, where you could always find an escape and forget about what troubles you?

Ако статията ви е харесала, споделете я с приятелите си. Благодаря, че помагате да достигне до повече хора.

Ines Subashka

Инес Субашка е основател на IFS - зали за кондиционни тренировки и мобилност. Автор е на 6 книги за здравословно хранене и движение. https://inspiredfitstrong.com/bg/za-ines/bio/

Ела да тренираш в някоя от залите ни

Предизвикай себе си и направи крачка към по-здравото си Аз. Груповите тренировки в IFS са различни – при нас броят на трениращите в група е ограничен и всеки има различна тренировка, изготвена според индивидуалните му нужди. Тренировки има през целия ден и ще намериш удобно време и локация, според графика ти. Очакваме те в IFS.

Зала IFS Стрелбище

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+359 877 963 124

Зала IFS Изток

гр. София, кв. Изток, ул. Незабравка 25 (от страната на Борисовата градина, под ресторанта на Парк Хотел Москва)
+359 877 963 124

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