6 Reasons To Keep On Working Out In Winter

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Winter is here and probably some of you will give up on working out. Winter and cold weather that goes with it, are the perfect premise to hide behind layers of clothes and convince ourselves that there isn’t anybody to see how fat we are. Thus, without even realizing it, the pounds pack on and the spring comes! We become aware of the fact that we got fatter and the big depression appears- what diet should you follow, how many calories should you burn, how in the world could you get rid of the extra weight! Summer is knocking on the door and we should be in the best shape, in order to walk proudly on the beach, showing off our new swimsuit!

If you do not want this so well known scenario to turn into your reality this year, it is (more…)

What Gave Me Strength, When I Was about to Give Up?

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Image source: http://newhottopics.blogspot.com

The last two weeks I have a lot of work to do, and besides that on Monday is my final exam for my bachelors degree, so I also need to study. That’s why this week my posts are not as “educational”, as I’d like them to be, but I promise that next week everything will be back to normal!

But I can say that motivation is on my mind all week, because at times I feel really tired, and this accompanied by my ambitiousness, needs the “spices” called a motive, inspiration and desire!

Yesterday I went early at the stadium and I dragged tires. I love tires. If I have to choose my favorite piece of equipment, that’d be tires!

I did some interval “sprints” with tires. On the last interval, I was really tired. I had about 15 more meters to the finish line and it looked so far. At that moment I had the thought of slowing down a bit and just finishing slower. Then my inner voice took everything under control and as usual it didn’t let me give up!

There are moments, when something seems hard and you want to quit. Seems like your whole body is screaming for you to stop and suddenly, you feel a fire burning deep inside- a strong desire a passion to be a winner- to win over your thoughts, your fears, your exhaustion and your desire to quit!

At that moment I remembered about this video. (more…)

Did You Think It Was Easy?

Continue ReadingDid You Think It Was Easy?

Lauren Plumey

There is no easy way!

If you wanna be great, you have to work hard!

You need to forget about your comfort zone, about giving yourself a rest, about getting by with failure!

If you wanna be great, you got to feel some pain-the pain of discipline, hard work and persistence.

It won’t be easy. I know you will (more…)

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