The Best Diet! The Diet Without Deadline!

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Meatza- the credit for this goes to one of my machines- Rumi

The other day I was at the grocery store. I was waiting in line, when a lady behind me asked  if I was an athlete. I smiled back and affirmed I was. The lady was about 40years old and a little overweight. While we were waiting she felt like chatting with me and told me how much she wanted to be in shape. She threw a compliment and told me I had a stunning body.

She was holding a fruit yogurt and some “DIET” dessert. I myself had a couple cartons with eggs, some pork stakes and tons of vegetables. She was staring at my groceries, and said that she wished she could eat as much as me and still look good, but everything that she ate looked to go on her butt and her belly…so she was cursed to be on a diet. The lady told me about how a “specialist” explained her how she was supposed to eat, she knew everything but it was still hard to follow the diet. She went further saying, “Thanks God I have two more weeks till the end of the diet and then I will be able to eat everything!”.

You won't find real food aired in a commercial

First of all…no wonder it was hard following the diet. I (more…)

Why Your Weight Loss Diet Doesn't Work( and Probably Will Never Work)?

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Sometimes when I read some of the popular diets, widely spread in the media, I really feel the urge to start hitting my head in the keyboard and I wonder how it is possible for somebody to write so much shitty stuff and in the same time to just fool people around!

How many of you, have tried a diet, that you found in a magazine or on the internet? I bet that there isn’t a person that at some point of his life, tried such a diet! I think that it is not necessary to ask if you got results, because if it was true, you wouldn’t be reading this post right now!

If you’ve already understood why the cookie diet, the cabbage diet , the cherry diet and so forth don’t work, that’s great! But if you still haven’t figured it out, I am gonna give it a shot and try to open your eyes with a couple obvious, but often underestimated facts! (more…)

Are You Making This Mistake Which Is Hindering Your Weight Loss Progress?

Continue ReadingAre You Making This Mistake Which Is Hindering Your Weight Loss Progress?



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Do you often struggle staying on track with your diet? Are you one of those people that try so hard to get everything right, but never manage to achieve your goal about a lean and sexy body? What is it that is stopping your progress? Probably you are cursed to be overweight? Wrong! That is impossible! The problem is YOU! The problem is in your head and your thoughts!

I almost can’t think of a woman who doesn’t struggle or at least struggled with a disordered eating! More often than not what hinders progress are (more…)

Does Your Diet Fail on the Weekend? Check Out Why!

Continue ReadingDoes Your Diet Fail on the Weekend? Check Out Why!


It’s almost Friday and probably most of you are scared of this. Why? A lot of people manage to keep on track with their diet during the week, but when Saturday and Sunday come, they let themselves lose it and start eating everything in sight. Thus, the results achieved during the week go to waste!

You know what I am talking about, right? There is something about weekends that makes you lose it. It seems like when Saturday comes, your body gets impersonated by another person, who has absolutely no will to resist the food temptations!

Why is that? (more…)

January Top 10: 10 Things Worth Reading!

Continue ReadingJanuary Top 10: 10 Things Worth Reading!

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It is time for January’s Top 10 Articles. Below I picked up 10 of the articles that gathered the most attention during the past month! Beneath each headline I wrote a short summery. If you’d like to read the whole article just click on the hyperlink! Enjoy! (more…)

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