…just waking up to eat,breath and sleep one more day…is not living life!
Living life means, being eager to wake up every morning inspired to do what you love.
…waiting for the right time and the right circumstances to come so you can act is not living life!
Living life means taking an active, passionate role in life and pouring your soul into something that inspires you!
Waiting to see what destiny has to offer you is not living life!
Living, means creating your own life!
Doing things just because they seem right is not living life!
Living life is about being motivated by goals that have deep meaning and dreams that need completion.
Being the same day after day is not living life!
Living life means growing everyday- spiritually,physically and mentaly!
Playing safe is not living life!
Living life means taking chances, experimenting,failing, suceeding!
Living life is not about DOING, it is about BEING!
Are you living?