When The Soul Is Starving, The Body Is Overeating!

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Ines Subashka
I loooooooove doing handstands! 🙂

It happens again. The emotions are taking over you. As if a storm is raging in your heart! You are trying to repress them, to hold them, to dull them You don’t want to feel, you don’t want your heart and soul to be rend by memories, disappointments, fears and dissatisfaction. You feel weak and helpless, but you don’t want the world to see you falling apart. You are afraid to share with others, to tell them that inside you are broken and that is why you bear! You stay silent and you pile up the pain. But in moments like this, the suffering is way too much and you feel incapable of controlling it!

And there you go, you reach out for food again. You hope that the escape from yourself will (more…)

Scale! Scale! Scale! Your Worst Advisor!

Continue ReadingScale! Scale! Scale! Your Worst Advisor!

Image source: http://un-catchable.blogspot.com/2011/01/grrr.html

It’s morning. It is hot outside. You open your wardrobe and reach to take your summer clothes, but suddenly you feel like you forgot something- to weigh yourself on the scale. Did you forget that the scale, THIS OBJECT is your best friend and best advisor about the way you look? The scale is the one that “tells” you if you are beautiful, successful and worthy.

…you leave the door of your wardrobe open and go to check what the scale “thinks” about you today. There you are, 500 grams heavier than yesterday. In just a few seconds the good mood and happiness you had before that is displaced by sad and depressive thoughts. Seems like your self-esteem lowered in seconds. One moment you were feeling happy and energetic to face the new day, and suddenly darkness takes over your soul. And why is that? Because of a number on the scale!

If there is a woman who (more…)

Interview with Sohee Lee: Part 2

Continue ReadingInterview with Sohee Lee: Part 2

Sohee Lee

This week you will have the opportunity to read Part 2 of Sohee Lee’s great interview. In case you missed Part 1, you can read it here.

IS: We know that for a person who struggled with eating disorder it is hard to go in the gym and lift weights. There is always that fear that you might get bulky! How did you manage to cope with that prejudice? What would you tell women that are afraid of weights due to that reason?

SL: Interestingly (more…)

Are You Making This Mistake Which Is Hindering Your Weight Loss Progress?

Continue ReadingAre You Making This Mistake Which Is Hindering Your Weight Loss Progress?



Image source: http://www.scientificamerican.com

Do you often struggle staying on track with your diet? Are you one of those people that try so hard to get everything right, but never manage to achieve your goal about a lean and sexy body? What is it that is stopping your progress? Probably you are cursed to be overweight? Wrong! That is impossible! The problem is YOU! The problem is in your head and your thoughts!

I almost can’t think of a woman who doesn’t struggle or at least struggled with a disordered eating! More often than not what hinders progress are (more…)

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