Favorite Reads of the Week: 07/07/12

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Image source: http://fitnesssafari.blogspot.com/

Hey everybody! Hope you had a great week, full of new PRs, overcomed fears and clean, healthy eating! 😉 It is time to read some great articles. Check out the list below. I am sure that you will like pleanty of articles to keep you reading during the week!

First, (more…)

Favorite Reads of the Week: 06/23/12

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Image source: http://lindsaycappotelli.blogspot.com

It’s the end of the week again! How do you feel? Are you making the progress you are working so hard for? Before sharing my favorite reads of the week with you, I will be boring and remind you to eat clean and move more during the weekend! Keep in mind you are doing it for yourself, and no treat, cupcake or pizza is worth, blowing all your hard work during the week! So be good and stay in shape! 😉

First (more…)

Favorite Reads of the Week: 06/02/12

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Image source: facebook.com

This week has been great. The past three months I had some trouble working out, as I had an injury on my heel and my thigh. I’ve been working out the whole week, I am adding weights on the bar, and I feel freaking happy! 🙂 It’s time for my favorite reads of the week. Seems like my favorite fitness writers and bloggers, improve the quality of their articles every week. I always think they are outstanding, and there is no place for improvement, and they always manage to do better! So enjoy their great work and educate yourself further! 🙂

First, (more…)

Favorite Reads of the Week: 05/19/12

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Alexander Lazarov-one of my clients

It is the end of the week, which means time for my Favorite Reads of the Week! This week there are less articles, because I’ve been really busy with my exams, as I am graduating this year! But I assure you that this week’s reads are really interesting and helpful! Read them!

First, (more…)

Favorite Reads of the Week: 05/12/12

Continue ReadingFavorite Reads of the Week: 05/12/12

Image source: facebook.com (Lauren Brooks)

Hey, everybody! Here is a week full of knowledge! 😉 Make sure to read my favorite reads of the week and in case you missed some of the posts on Inspired Fit Strong, make up and read them! Enjoy and have a wonderful, healthy and active weekend!

First, (more…)

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