I love my job and the wonderful people that I meet. During the last IFS Bootcamp (you can see pictures here), I met a lot of inspiring people. This was the best Bootcamp. Every person had a clear goal, motivation and everybody was inspired to give their best. There, I met Lora. I already knew her, virtually, from the Facebook group, where we share our meals and recipes – she always shares her delicious, healthy meals. When you meet her, in live, she is the same – just as inspired, enthusiastic and dedicated to the potential inside everyone of us.

Lora made a delicious strawberry bread. It is so quick and easy to prepare.

3 whole eggs
3 egg whites
200 grams curds
1 banana
5 strawberries
5 teaspoons chia seeds
1 -2 table spoons honey
a pinch of baking soda
Blend everything. Put some butter on the bottom of a pan and bake in the oven.
Join our Facebook group, where we share meals and recipes.
And share the recipe with your friends. Someone might be hungry and might get inspired to cook something healthy and delicious. 🙂
I see “curds” listed in a lot of your recipes. What are these? I live in the U.S. : )
Hey, Casey 🙂 Ok, maybe I am not using the proper word – see here and I will be gla dif you tell me what is another word you use for it: https://www.google.bg/search?q=curds&biw=1366&bih=623&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjKu7K299HMAhXrIpoKHcI9DoEQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1
It looks maybe like cottage cheese or chunks of some type of cheese. I’m not sure!
Ето това от мен 🙂