Another week of awesomeness has gone by! January is always a crazy month! But it is still really satisfying, because of its productiveness! I have one more exam in Public Finances and I will be done for this semester! Meanwhile, my machines are getting stronger, better and leaner! They work really hard in the gym and I am so proud to have the opportunity to coach them! This week I took one more day off the gym, because I wake up around 5:15a.m. and I go back home around 9:30 p.m., so as you can guess I am pretty tired. That’s why I decided to give my body more rest, as hard as it is to stay away from working out for three straight days! Well, hope that this will help me feel better next week, so I can keep on getting stronger!
Meanwhile, hope that you had a great week! Hope that healthy living is already a lifestyle for you and that you are crushing PRs in the gym! Stay positive! Eat clean and move more! And don’t forget to check out my favorite reads of this week!
First, articles on InspiredFitStrong (click HERE) for the past week:
Don’t Train Your Legs! Check Out Why!
How I Learned to Leave My Ego at The Door?
Why Bodybuilding Workouts Won’t Help You Achieve Your Goals?
The Precipice Between Yesterday and Today…
The Most Delicious Mushroom Recipe
Polina Pencheva: A Sneak Peak In The Life of a Professional Boxer Competitor
And now my favorite reads of the week:
8 Unilateral Pressing Variations
3 Steps to Getting Your Girl to Train
Coaching and Cueing Tips: Knees Out During Squats
No Journey’s End: Kettlebell Interval Routine
Not Your Average BS Core Training
10 Reasons Why 2013 Will Be The Year You Quit Your Job
My Favorite Exercises Muscle by Muscle
How to Fix Glute Imbalances by Bret Contreras
Guard Your Precise Time by Rachel Cosgrove
All I Know Is Grind- Ray Lewis (from Ross Enamait)
34 Awesome Ray Lewis Quotes by Jason Ferruggia
5 Muscle Building Mistakes by Brad Schoenfeld
Cortisol and Muscle Building: Does It Even Matter? by Mike Roussell
Teaching Lat Tension in the Deadlift by Todd Bumgardner
Scapular Movement During the Pushup by Eric Cressey
Quick and Easy Ways to Feel and Move Better by Eric Cressey
The Curse of Knowledge by Mike Boyle
Common Speed Training Mistakes by Tim Morrill
50 Shades of Jay by Jason Ferruggia
Sprinting Lessons by Greg Potter
What Is An “Arm Care” Program Anyway? by Tony Gentilcore
Massage and Acute Injuries: The Remodeling Phase by Patrick Ward
Building the Ultimate Male Body by Jason Maxwell
9 Reasons Why Yoga Is Good For Gym Junkies by Neghar Fonooni
Kettlebells and Deadlifts Go Together Like Vodka and Pickles by Pavel Tsatsouline
My Journey to the Kettlebell by Dr. Stuart McGill
What Is Your One Word Credo? by Jen Comas Keck
Prone Supported Rows by Smitty Diesel
How Do You Get So Much Done? by Alwyn Cosgrove
Glute Activation and Training Revised by Christine Beauchamp
Crimes Against Muscularity by Adam Campbell
3 Steps to Getting Your Girls to Train by Joy Victoria
Dangerous Exercises by Dan Blewett
The Importance of Dorsiflexion by Zach Long
5 Ways to Be a Better Athlete by Doug Spurling
Looking at the Hip Hinge by Josh Williams
How to Get Your Head Right For an Epic Performance by Dave Hedges
New Year’s Message to My Colleagues by Taylor Simon
Lifting Weights Necessary for Athletes? by Eirik Forlie
Tips from an 800 lb. Bencher by Joseph Orlandi
The Most Effective Way to Build Muscle by Dan Ogborn and JC Deen
My Biggest Nutrition Mistake by Nia Shanks
How to Use Finishers For Serious Results by Callie Durbrow
Dips Done Right by Joe Giandonato
P.S. If you liked this post, please take a minute and share it with your friends! I’d greatly appreciate it!