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Image source: http://blog.onlinedominance.com/turn-weaknesses-into-strengths/

We weed out reality, according to our own beliefs; we weed out, what we see, feel or notice. What is your opinion about life? You probably think that it is unfair, cruel, hard… that just hypocrisy, villainy, lies and impertinence are the way to succeed. Probably you are thinking that people are evil, jealous and unscrupulous.

Am I right? Is that what you are thinking? Then, I am sure that your daily experience just bears out this beliefs. I am sure that everything, that takes place in your life, isjust increasing your negative attitude towards it and puts you in a position where you are feeling in a dead- lock!

Sometimes people tell me that I am too big of a dreamer! And I just smile, but inside I am willing to scream in their face, that for every person, the world is a direct reflection of his beliefs, understandings, thoughts and feelings!

I’ve been there too… I was used to focus more on what is going wrong in my life, instead of thinking about what I want my life to be like!

What you believe, is what you will see. If you are convinced that the world is a dangerous place, that you should be careful of people and never trust anybody, how would you behave? I suppose, that in each moment, your attention would be taken by thoughts of the risks that might appear; the probable betrayals; you will be constantly on the alert, trying to run away from an acquaintance with your fears!

But if you believe, that the world is a wonderful place, that people are good, generous; that you have countless opportunities; that you are surrounded by fair and sincere people, then the chances to really see this in reality are much bigger! Then, when you meet new people, or when you are in a new situation, you will be positive. You will focus on what you believe- you will manage to see the good side of everything, you will manage to notice the beauty of every person!

We find, what we look for… don’t we? When your mind is busy thinking about the cruel, hard and unfair world… well unconsciously you will constantly direct your efforts towards searching exactly for this- disappointments, pain, fear.

You will constantly find yourself in situations, where you will find, what you believe in- the ugly, negative side of life!

I don’t think that the world is an ugly and dangerous place! I don’t think that life is unfair and cruel! I think that everything that happens to us is a result of our attitude towards the world!

They say that it is the darkest before dawn. Just as darkness, follows the light, in life after happy moments, are bound to come less happy moments… But why resist the change? When the sun sets, do you resist the night? No, right? You just react in a way, that will help you get the most- you go to sleep, you take some rest, so when the day comes, you are full of energy! You use the darkness, so you could enjoy the day!

Why do you think that it is any different in life? Why do we resist what happens to us? From my experience, I found out that the situation itself doesn’t cause us so much pain… it is our refusal to accept what happens that hurts the most!

I learned that when the situation, doesn’t happen the way I wanted it to, I don’t have to feel self pity and give up. I learned that I just need to accept the right of things to happen like they happened; the right of people to act the way they did. What I am supposed to do in these situations, is not to look for unfairness and cruelty, but accept it and just search for a way to make the most out of it! Just like the night gives us the chance to rest, failure gives us the chance to see more clearly!

There isn’t anything more wonderful and liberating, than the strength, that woke up in a moment of weakness; than the hope, merging on top of desperation; than courage, in front of the face of fear; than the inner peace, in moments when the chaos is ruling the world!

P.S. If you liked this post, please share it with your friends! I’d greatly appreciate it! 🙂

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Ines Subashka

Инес Субашка е основател на IFS - зали за кондиционни тренировки и мобилност. Автор е на 6 книги за здравословно хранене и движение. https://inspiredfitstrong.com/bg/za-ines/bio/

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