Scale! Scale! Scale! Your Worst Advisor!

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It’s morning. It is hot outside. You open your wardrobe and reach to take your summer clothes, but suddenly you feel like you forgot something- to weigh yourself on the scale. Did you forget that the scale, THIS OBJECT is your best friend and best advisor about the way you look? The scale is the one that “tells” you if you are beautiful, successful and worthy.

…you leave the door of your wardrobe open and go to check what the scale “thinks” about you today. There you are, 500 grams heavier than yesterday. In just a few seconds the good mood and happiness you had before that is displaced by sad and depressive thoughts. Seems like your self-esteem lowered in seconds. One moment you were feeling happy and energetic to face the new day, and suddenly darkness takes over your soul. And why is that? Because of a number on the scale!

If there is a woman who (more…)

What Does The Scale Tell You About Yourself?

Continue ReadingWhat Does The Scale Tell You About Yourself?

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I am a member of the facebook group Eat Clean (no crap!). Train Smart. Stay Awesome. Forever. , created by Eileen Schreiber. A couple days ago somebody posted something about a challenge called “I’m too awesome to weigh myself this month”. That made me think about myself and the scale. I haven’t  stepped on a scale in almost two years. And that is a big thing, keeping in mind that I was addicted to it. Yes, you guessed it! I used to be just like every other woman- I measured myself and my attractiveness by the number on the scale. Then I found crossfit and my life will never be the same. I made a commitment to throw the scale away and stop living for the number it shows.

I find the challenge mentioned above to be really cool and helpful. That made me think about why I don’t care about the scale anymore.

Truth is that the scale (more…)

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