Part 3: A Calorie Is NOT A Calorie:Why Junk Food In Moderation Is Bad for You

Continue ReadingPart 3: A Calorie Is NOT A Calorie:Why Junk Food In Moderation Is Bad for You

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What is the foundation of turning nutrition into a lifestyle, so your thoughts aren’t constantly preoccupied with food; so you don’t feel constantly hungry and so you don’t wonder how to trick your grueling stomach?

The answer is that you should find the right approach to control hunger and appetite. And the right approach has nothing to do with “tricking” your body and your hunger. And it has everything to do with giving your body enough quality food, which will provide it with the necessary fuel for your muscles and organs, so your brain can get to receive signals that “everything is under control” and that the proper functioning and the survival of the body are ensured.

As I already mentioned on my Facebook page, the lack of fuel for the active tissues provides the
primary signal to eat. It’s calories BURNED as energy, not calories EATEN, that determines appetite, hunger, and how much one eats. The calories that enter the mouth and stomach don’t control food intake. How the body disposes of the calories it eats, either into fat for storage or into muscles and organs for burning, determines food intake.

What does that mean? You could eat a pork steak with broccoli and then feel satiety for a long time, as well as enough energy.

And you could eat a portion of pasta with some kind of sauces and then after an hour your thoughts will be preoccupied with food again; then eat one-two slices of bread with some peanut butter and jelly and then after an hour you will be there again- wondering what to eat!

Thus the steak and broccoli, as a sum of calories will be less than the pasta, the peanut butter sandwiches and whatever else you eat.

Why does it turn out like this?  The first meal makes you feel full for longer, and the second type of food even though the sum of the meals, equals more calories altogether, makes you feel the need of more food?

Because (more…)

5 Reasons You Are Not Eating Healthy

Continue Reading5 Reasons You Are Not Eating Healthy

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1. Your information is not enough

People often claim they are eating healthy. The problem is their worng understanding about what healthy means. There are tons of information in the media about what is good food and what is bad food, but truth is much of it is wrong and misleading. Thus, people who try eating right, instead of improving their health only make it worse! When was the last time you bought low fat milk? Why did you buy it? Because it is healthy? Low fat products, high fiber foods and other products claiming to be  high- and low-  in something ARE NOT HEALTHY! There is one rule, that you should follow in order to make right food choices…” If man created it, don’t eat it!”. Buy real food- meat,eggs,vegetables,fruits, nuts and seeds!

2. You have (more…)

January Top 10: 10 Things Worth Reading!

Continue ReadingJanuary Top 10: 10 Things Worth Reading!

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It is time for January’s Top 10 Articles. Below I picked up 10 of the articles that gathered the most attention during the past month! Beneath each headline I wrote a short summery. If you’d like to read the whole article just click on the hyperlink! Enjoy! (more…)

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