Alexa Rae's UNIQUE Transformation!

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Алекса Рей
Alexa's unique transformation! 🙂

Sometimes when we have obstacles in our lives, we feel as if we are insignificant. As if we can’t make a difference and as if our life is just a waste…just a burden. But then, in a really short moment, something from the inside wakes up… something that wouldn’t allow us to give up and just be mediocre. All of a sudden we find strength, that wasn’t there before. All of a sudden we feel capable of achieving everything and reaching greatness. All of a sudden one small decision to change our reality, becomes so powerful that it changes the lives of million of people. Today I have the pleasure to introduce you a person that really changes lives. A person, who is so strong, so beautiful, so inspirational! I have the pleasure to introduce you Alexa Rae!

Before that do not forget to join my Facebook page (HERE)! Thank you!

Ines Subashka: Thank you for accepting my offer for an interview. I am really honored to share more about you with my readers. People who know you, are aware that you are keeping yourself busy with more activities, than an average person could imagine doing in a week. Would you tell us in short what you are up to right now?

Alexa Rae: (more…)

Do You Struggle with Emotional Eating? Check Out How I Managed to Quit on It and Try It Yourself!

Continue ReadingDo You Struggle with Emotional Eating? Check Out How I Managed to Quit on It and Try It Yourself!


Ines Subashka

It happens again… the weight of the day is about to crush you. The night is here and you are alone with the silence. Your confusing thoughts are fighting for predominance. The pain is trying to conquer you and take control over your actions and thoughts. A moment of desperation, which you’d love to overcome, but some how you feel helpless and weak.

The reality seems so hard to bear, that you need to find an escape, immediately. Some kind of comfort. And you open the fridge! And an hour later you’ve eaten massive amount of food. The reality is back again, but this time it is even more unbearable and suffocating. This time, besides the disappointments, the day had to offer, You disappointed yourself!

You had promised yourself that you will never reach out to food for comfort and you just did it again!

As I shared here “My Personal Confession: Emotional Eating and The Hunger of My Soul”, I’ve also been the main character (more…)

Interview with Marianne Kane from MyoMyTv: Kettlebell Workouts, Intermittent Fasting and Finding Balance

Continue ReadingInterview with Marianne Kane from MyoMyTv: Kettlebell Workouts, Intermittent Fasting and Finding Balance

Marianne Kane

In order to succeed a person needs strong passion, strong desire coming from somwhere deep inside and strong will to be persistant and endure the obstacles that are gonna be on the way to the top! Today I have the opportunity to introduce you Marianne Kane. A woman who inspires, leads by example and changes lives! Truely great people, are those that manage to make others feel better about themselves, those that manage to light a fire inside people’s hearts and help them find their true meaning in life. That’s what Marianne does for her readers, her followers and everybody that ha dthe opportunity to know her! Enjoy her words…

Ines Subashka: Thank you for agreeing to give an interview for Inspired Fit Strong, Marianne! Tell us a little bit more about yourself and how the idea about MyoMyTv was born.
Marianne Kane: (more…)

Is Strong Really the New Skinny?

Continue ReadingIs Strong Really the New Skinny?

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Lately some of my American friends are writing about the “Strong is the new skinny” movement. You can read Eileen’s post here and Liz’s post from Cave Girl Eats here. I love what Marsha and Adam the founders of “Strong is the new skinny” have done for women all around the world, but I still want to share my opinion about the way I see, feel and understand that.

Skinny is something I never wanna be, feel, associate with and aim for! Strong is (more…)

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