Favorite Reads of the Week: 03/17/2012

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Image source: http://www.syattfitness.com

It’s the end of the week. Hope all of you worked out hard in the gym, ate clean, and felt awesome! Here are my favorite reads of the week. I know it is a long list, but it is not my fault that there are so many great individuals out there sharing their experience and knowledge! 😉 Take some time to read the articles! You won’t regret it! (more…)

Annie Mist Thorisdottir: The Fittest on Earth

Continue ReadingAnnie Mist Thorisdottir: The Fittest on Earth


Today we will have the pleasure to read what last year’s Crossfit champion, Annie Thorisdottir had to share with us. Eventhough she was “crowned” the fittest on Earth, that hasn’t changed her personality- she is really nice, charming and forthcommin.  Reading her interview you will see why she won the Crossfit games in 2011- the combination of dedication, hard work and talent are only few of the things that could describe Annie! And instead of writing more words that only belittle what she truely is, I will let you read what she had to say… (more…)

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