5 Reasons We Don’t Feel like Working Out and What to Do about Them
One question I often get is: “Ines, what do you do, when you don’t feel like working out?“ Before I answer the question, you must understand that every state is…
One question I often get is: “Ines, what do you do, when you don’t feel like working out?“ Before I answer the question, you must understand that every state is…
One of the latest trends in healthy eating is healthy desserts. I am a fan of trying to adapt our favorite recipes, using higher quality products. Still, I firmly believe…
Over the years that I have spent helping people reinvent themselves, their bodies and their lives, I have observed that there are three reasons people are unable to stick to…
Just an ordinary day, to make you feel extraordinary. It is early in the morning and everybody is still sleeping. It is quite outside and I am going to the…
Един обикновен ден, за да се почувстваш необикновено. Рано е и всички спят. Навън е тихо, а аз отивам в залата. Мястото, където винаги се чувствам смирено. Мястото, където винаги…
Един въпрос, който често ми задавате, е свързан със след-тренировъчното хранене, когато тренирате по-късно вечер. Хората, които не обичат да стават рано сутрин, обикновено тренират след работа. Това определено измества…
1. Increased physical activity without a corresponding increase in food intake This is where I want to start, because over the past couple of days I have advised several women…
От годините, в които се занимавам с това да помагам на хората да пресътворяват себе си, тялото си и живота си, наблюдавам, че има три причини хората да не могат…
1.Увеличена физическа активност, без увеличаване на храната Бързам да започна с това, защото последните няколко дена, консултирах няколко жени, които правят точно това. В стремежа си да свалят килограми, тренират…
Last week, I had the opportunity to have a lecture at the Festival of Health, in Sofia, Bulgaria. The topic I spoke about – the indications we could track, in…
В края на миналата седмица, имах удоволствието да участвам във Фестивал на Здравето и Спорта, организиран от Албена Тонкин. Темата ми беше за някои от индикациите, които да следим, за…
Време е за една много вкусна торта. Напоследък имам доста идеи за рецепти, но пък съм си насочила вниманието и усилията в друга насока и не успявам да ги реализирам.…
I am a ‘something-searcher person” and I have devoted my life to the mission to reveal myself, to improve, to collect the pieces of puzzle in my own nature, so that to give and to receive from life as much as possible. My Life is history, full of broken dreams, falls, disappointments and finally achieved awareness, that it all depends on me and that each opportunity can be a materialized reality. We only have to think and act in a way, which will lead us on the road to its implementation. The most valuable resources we have are our time and health, and our Body is the instrument, through which we use them, to crate the world we live in. I dedicated my life to share myself, the wisdom and experience, which had left after the mistakes I had done. I am doing this in order to help people find their way, which will let them “’reinvent”’ themselves, to restore their health, confidence and trust for life. I wish they could realize their own potential. Training is rehearsal for the life itself; this is the place, where on a few square meters in the IFS you can experience each of the possible sensations- triumph, fall, disappointment, hope, will, weakness, and most of all power. The place, where in “monitoring conditions”” you can remind your body how to move correctly, how to work in your interest. Everything I have tried to achieve through IFS and the trainings is to help people bring back their consciousness, health and freedom to be who they are-without doubting. I have given myself time to re-build and to re-invent myself! Give yourself time as well. Come and train with us in IFS!