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Инес Субашка

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The weekend is the time when we go out of the routine. We are so used to living according to a strict schedule that sometimes this is the reason that we feel bad and that we turn to destructive behavior – we do not know how to do what we love in the changing conditions.

This is true for our workouts. The weekend suggest a lot of traveling and we do not have much time to go to the gym or there isn’t such. Besides that, we do not have enough time to complete our usual practice.

The weekend is the time we spend with our loved once and we don’t always need to take a lot of time to train. What matters is to sustain what we have achieved during the week and get our dose of working out, that will make us feel good. And when we feel good about ourselves, we act differently and we choose what makes us feel even better.

Here are three workouts that you could do everywhere. You do not need equipment or a lot of time. You just need the motivation to start. These are the workouts that will help you be active and they will activate your whole body.

Workout 1:

Perform every round without rest or with minimal rest between exercises.

20 mountain climbers with both legs (if you are beginners do them with alternating legs)

20 jumping lunges (10 each leg)

10 burpees

30 sec quick legs (if you are advanced 60 sec)

20 kangaroo jumps (with your knees towards your chest)
(watch the exercise at  0:29 sec.)

20 from plank to push up (10 each hand)

Rest 90 sec between rounds and then repeat 5 times if you are advanced and 3 times for everybody else. 

Workout 2:

Perform every round without rest or with minimal rest between exercises.

Pistol Squat progression 15 each leg 

Step up 15 each leg (without taking the foot off the bench)

*You perform the pistol squats on the right leg and then you immediately do the step ups. Then you repeat on the left leg.

Push-ups on your knees 15 (if you can do regular push-ups, do them) 

Renegade row 10 each arm 

*you do 10 on one arm and then on the other arm (it doesn’t need to be weighted)

30 meters monkey walk

15 kangaroo jumps

Hip Thrusters on one leg 12 each leg 

1 max plank

Rest 90 sec and repeat 5 more times if you are advanced, 3 for everybody else.

Workout 3:

Perform every round without rest or with minimal rest between exercises.

10 jumping squats + 10 kangaroo jumps 

*try not to rest between squats and jumps

10 burpees

30 sec quick legs (60 sec if you are advanced)  

10 cossack squats on each leg

*first do them on the right leg and then on the left

10 long jumps

20 from plank to push-up (10 each arm)

30 meter monkey walk

Rest 90 sec. and then repeat 3 times, if you are advanced 5 times.


Happy Holidays and here is my latest challenge

Ако статията ви е харесала, споделете я с приятелите си. Благодаря, че помагате да достигне до повече хора.

Ines Subashka

Инес Субашка е основател на IFS - зали за кондиционни тренировки и мобилност. Автор е на 6 книги за здравословно хранене и движение.

Ела да тренираш в някоя от залите ни

Предизвикай себе си и направи крачка към по-здравото си Аз. Груповите тренировки в IFS са различни – при нас броят на трениращите в група е ограничен и всеки има различна тренировка, изготвена според индивидуалните му нужди. Тренировки има през целия ден и ще намериш удобно време и локация, според графика ти. Очакваме те в IFS.

Зала IFS Стрелбище

гр. София, ж.к. Стрелбище, ул. Мила родина 36
+359 877 963 124

Зала IFS Изток

гр. София, кв. Изток, ул. Незабравка 25 (от страната на Борисовата градина, под ресторанта на Парк Хотел Москва)
+359 877 963 124

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