Working Out for Performance vs Working Out for Weight Loss

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Yesterday I had an intense but short practice. It lasted only 45 minutes. As I walked out of the gym, I felt really satisfied and happy. I had a flashback about the time when I spent endless hours in the globo gym, doing whatever I could, just to spend more energy and hoping that someday I will get the body I want. Then I got back to the present moment and I was thinking about the difference between working out to burn calories and working out for performance.

When you workout in order to burn more calories…

You (more…)

6 Reasons To Keep On Working Out In Winter

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Winter is here and probably some of you will give up on working out. Winter and cold weather that goes with it, are the perfect premise to hide behind layers of clothes and convince ourselves that there isn’t anybody to see how fat we are. Thus, without even realizing it, the pounds pack on and the spring comes! We become aware of the fact that we got fatter and the big depression appears- what diet should you follow, how many calories should you burn, how in the world could you get rid of the extra weight! Summer is knocking on the door and we should be in the best shape, in order to walk proudly on the beach, showing off our new swimsuit!

If you do not want this so well known scenario to turn into your reality this year, it is (more…)

How Could You Structure a Short but Effective Workout?

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How often do you workout?

Let me guess! Not very often, because “You don’t have time”, “You are too busy”,”It takes way too much time” …

As we’ve already discussed it “ I don’t have time” is a plain excuse and you can not convince me that you are so busy, that you can’t take between 20-60 minutes to work out at least three times a week. There are probably just a few people that could pass with this excuse and guess what? You are not one of them!!!

You have no idea how you could work out not more than 30 minutes, three to four times a week and be as fit as you’ve always wanted to be!

In order to achieve short, but quality workout, you should follow the rules below: (more…)

How We Could Use The Minimalist Approach To Workouts And Nutrition?

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Have you heard about minimalists? Do you know who they are? It is simple! These are people who are satisfied with living with the things they really need! No luxury, nothing unduly! Consumerism and caprice are foreign to them! What does all this have to do with workouts and nutrition? Well read… (more…)

Do You Have What It Takes To Make This Commitment?

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They say that it is our last year on Earth. I don’t believe it. I think it is the year of new opportunities, the year to make a change and take our life where we want it to be!That is why I decided to create a “contract”, that everyone of you could open in a pdf file, print it and sign it! After that you should put the contract somewhere, where you could see it all the time, and remind yourself what you made a commitment to do!

You are probably thinking… “ Why would I do this?”. The answer is pretty simple! It is said that a person has a better chance to (more…)

Emmanuel Smith- The Future Crossfit Champion?

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Emmanuel Smith

Today the interview is with Emmanuel Smith. Probably you’ve heard of him or probably you haven’t, but I bet that in the future his name will become more and more popular! Check out what Emmanuel had to share with us. Where did he start from, where he is now and where he hopes to go in life! (more…)

Did You Know The Truth About Women And Weights?

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As you already know I love lifting heavy weights! I love doing squats, deadlifts, cleans, push presses, throwing around sledgehammers, kettlebells and tires! More often than not I get disapproval from people around and sometimes it is really annoying! In the gym where I am now working out, there is that guy, who often comes closer to me and asks why I am lifting such heavy things, and why I am doing these exercises when I am only a woman. As he states “ These movements are for big men. It is not good for you to do them!” (more…)

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