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I love sea food. I think that I could eat fish for the rest of my life, as long as I could secretly cheat with pork steaks and eggs. My favorite fishes are mackerel and pangasius. I know the controversy opinion about pangasius, but I do not intend on going further discussing it. It’s a fact that I often eat this fish, so I decided to share with you my favorite recipe.


3-4 fillets pangasius

1 tomato cut in pieces

1 green pepper ( cut in pieces)

4-5 pieces of lemon

60-70 grams olives

Spices up to your taste: basil, black pepper, rosemary, coriander


the juice of half a lemon


This is the quick way to prepare it, using a frying pan. Melt some butter and place all the veggies. Stew them for a couple minutes. Then place the fillets in the pan and sprinkle the spices on top, and pour the lemon juice. Cover them with the stewed veggies and lemon. Bake on one side for 5 minutes and then 5 more minutes on the other side.


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Ines Subashka

Инес Субашка е основател на IFS - зали за кондиционни тренировки и мобилност. Автор е на 6 книги за здравословно хранене и движение. https://inspiredfitstrong.com/bg/za-ines/bio/

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Abi

    Hey! Quick Thanks! Now i know how to cook pangasius.. Tasted Delish!

  2. Nicole Srour

    hy 🙂 im just 16 and i wanted to cook for the family, everyone laughed and was like leave the cooking to mom. I LOVE seafood to and we had a bunch of pangasius fillet in the freezer. so i used this recipe to cook and it turned out extremely delicious. Thanks so much my family loved it, i showed them lol.

    1. Ines Subashka

      You are wonderful! Thank you for sharing this with me! 🙂 Now you have a motivation to start cooking more often and prove them you are a chef! 😉


  3. mana :)

    Hey!! thank you for the recipe!!! just one question: do you cook the fish along with the veggies or leave veggies aside after theyre cooked and then cook the fish? 🙂

  4. connie cataldo

    try it for the time, luv it luv it, will try this again n again also with other fish n chicken. thanks

  5. Dianne Dee

    I prepared this delicious cuisine for my boyfriend and his family and they loved it! Thank you for the recipe. 🙂

  6. Audrea Danskin

    P.S. We used fresh cilantro and my 11 year old daughter has eaten 3 fillets! She helped chopped all the veggies. Seriously…..this is sooooo good!

  7. Audrea Danskin

    Best I have ever had! Never knew pangasius could taste this heavenly!!

    1. Ines Subashka

      Thank you for giving me this feedback 🙂 I am so happy you liked it! 🙂


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