1.When somebody is trying to explain you how women aren’t supposed to lift weights,because they will get bulky, and you just nod, thinking “I am so sorry, that you think like that. You are cursed. You will never have tight, nice, firmer butt and thighs.”
2. When somebody tells you how they had a killing, two hours long, workout, and you just stay there, listening, but on the inside you feel real satisfaction, thinking “ God, I am so damn happy that I do not do this stupid mistake anymore. It is so great to save your time and still have short and effective workouts.”
3.When somebody says how tired they feel, because they are hardly eating, but the torture is still worth it, because that way they are gonna lose weight and get a killing, sexy body… and you stay there, trying to “understand”, eating your pork steak and throwing a glance at the mirror, in order to see your sexy, shaped body.
4.When somebody is whining, how he is doing just quarter squats, because he doesn’t wanna ruin his knees and you and you coolly answer “ I squat all the way down and I have no knee problems!:
5. The moments when somebody says he loves eating scrambled egg whites, but he feels guilty of throwing the yolks… and you proudly state that you LOVE yolks and you would never deprive of them!
6.You do not use the weightlifting machines in the globo gym, besides when you have to sit and tie your shoes.
7. The inner peace you experience, when somebody notices you doing deadlifts and gives you an advice, how this movement is gonna blow your back!
8. The moment when somebody tells you how freaking dangerous fats are, and you can’t wait to go back home and take the bacon and the butter out the fridge, so you could have a nice fatty meal!
9. The moments when somebody tells you how whole grains are healthy, and you just roll your eyes!
10. The moments when somebody, who is just finishing his piece of cake, explains you how he does 30 minutes of sit ups every single day, and how with hard work and dedication he will get a six pack… and you really feel like screaming in his face, that while he eats crap, he will look like it!
11. If you got a cent for every time you explain how women don’t get bulky and manly from lifting weights and how cardio itself won’t help you get nice, tight body, you would probably be in the top 10 of the richest man in the world!
12. If front squat, renegade rows and military press, don’t sound like foreign words to you, you probably know what you are doing!
13. The moments when you go to the cinema, 15 minutes earlier, so you could eat your steak and salad at the parking place, so you wouldn’t need to eat pop corn during the movie.
14. When your parents give you a big box for your birthday present, full of fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs, instead of a basket full of chocolate and candy.
15. When you do not need to run more than 1 minutes, besides when a serial killer is chasing you!
Can you think of other signs that you work out properly and eat healthy?
And one picture from yesterday 🙂
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