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Възникна грешка, моля опитайте пак
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The little machine 🙂

Daily I have the pleasure of meeting a lot of different people, who are really motivated to change their lifestyle and improve the quality of their life! Besides the experience I get, when it comes to workouts and nutrition, I am constantly analyzing people’s behavior. The human mind is something that has always been an enigma for me and I am always interested in what and why is happening in the mind of the person against me!

Lately, I notice that people often talk about themselves with some kind of negativity and self- hatred! I can’t even describe you how many times a day, I will hear “ I am awful at this”; “ I can’t do this”; “I look fat’; “I look disgusting”; “I am so out of shape”;” I am sorry, probably you aren’t used to train with people that are so out of shape”; “ I am doing worse than I expected”.

There is nothing wrong with a person who is being critical towards himself, but still everything has some limits and the critic should be constructive. And lately I notice that you could rarely meet somebody who loves himself. And by saying “love yourself”, I am far from the thought of an egocentric person, who thinks the world revolves around him!

When somebody walks in the gym, I don’t see him according to what he is at the moment, but according to what he has the potential to become!

When a 40 year old man, walks in the gym, I do not see a person who is out of shape, somebody who neglected his health and body and somebody who has absolutely no physical culture.

Instead, what I see is a person, who no matter his busy schedule, no matter the excuses he might make up, no matter the widely spread notions, found the motivation to change. He found the courage to show determination and do something for himself!

When an overweight girl, comes to a training session, I do not see her as a fat girl!

Instead, what I see is a girl who might have not realized it yet, but still deep inside she knows that she is a wonderful person and that she has something she could show the world. I see a girl, who is determined to get rid of the layers of fat, under which she is hiding her true identity and her real beauty. I see a girl who is determined to get rid of the insecurity and a girl who will soon walk on the street, proud of herself and the results she has achieved!

When a skinny boy, walks in the gym, I do not see his weak body…

Instead, what I see is the strength hidden deep inside his heart… the strength that thanks to his hard work and persistence will soon show on the surface!

When a person who has never worked out in his life, walks in the gym, I do not stare at him, thinking how uncoordinated he is, how he can’t control his body and how silly he looks.

Instead, what I see is a person with dreams, goals and ambition. I see a person who is not afraid to look stupid, walking on the road to his goals!

I could keep on going like this forever… but what I want to ask you is, the next time when you are standing in front of a mirror… and you see your reflection… see yourself the way I would see you!

I want you to notice not your defects, but your potential!

Not your weakness, but your strength!

Not your mistakes, but your opportunities!

When you see your reflection, I want you to believe in yourself, the way I would believe in you!

When you see your reflection, I want you to see not who you are today, but who you will become!

No matter who you are, where you are standing or how you are looking… if you have the motivation, the desire, the determination and the persistence, nothing else matters… because YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Well, what do you see in the mirror?

P.S. If you liked this post, please take a minute and share it with your friends! I’d greatly appreciate it!

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Ines Subashka

Инес Субашка е основател на IFS - зали за кондиционни тренировки и мобилност. Автор е на 6 книги за здравословно хранене и движение. https://inspiredfitstrong.com/bg/za-ines/bio/

Ела да тренираш в някоя от залите ни

Предизвикай себе си и направи крачка към по-здравото си Аз. Груповите тренировки в IFS са различни – при нас броят на трениращите в група е ограничен и всеки има различна тренировка, изготвена според индивидуалните му нужди. Тренировки има през целия ден и ще намериш удобно време и локация, според графика ти. Очакваме те в IFS.

Зала IFS Стрелбище

гр. София, ж.к. Стрелбище, ул. Мила родина 36
+359 877 963 124

Зала IFS Изток

гр. София, кв. Изток, ул. Незабравка 25 (от страната на Борисовата градина, под ресторанта на Парк Хотел Москва)
+359 877 963 124

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