If you are exercising, you are just doing some random exercises!
If you are training, you have a program that includes functional, basic movements!
Exercising leads to sweat but rarely leads to improved overall health!
Training tough improves your body and mind strength, it has long term benefits on your health!
Exercising involves a lot of sitting on the machines in the globo gym!
Training involves hard work and free weights!
Exercising involves long rests, accompanied with long chats with your dudes!
Training involves intense workouts, focus and no time for chatting around!
Exercising is an occasional activity, that you fill up your free time with!
Training requires commitment!
Exercising is just an activity based on trends!
Training is an activity based on goal setting!
Exercising gets boring!
Training is always exciting!
Exercising doesn’t test character!
Training requires pushing through your barriers and chasing your limits!
Exercising is mediocrity!
Training is a religion!