Raw, Healthy, Pineapple Cake

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Image source: http://thewholeway.wordpress.com

It’s time for a delicious, healthy recipe for a dessert. I don’t know if because it is my father’s birthday, but today I chose to suggest you a recipe for a delicious cake. It is really easy to prepare and nobody is gonna believe you that it took you absolutely no time, to prepare such a tasty dessert!

And as I already said, today one of the most wonderful people in the world has a birthday- my father! I want to wish him tons of health. They say that the best part of the day, is to have somebody with whom you could share everything that happened at night. I want to thank him, that every evening he has the patience to talk to me on the phone and listen to the “short” summary of my day. I am thankful that he is always there to give me a different perspective, which usually turns the world around and makes it twice more beautiful!

I want to thank him that the world is a better place, just because even when he is not physically with me, just knowing that he exists makes even the hardest moments a piece of cake!

I am thankful that he has always been such a wonderful role model and that since I was a kid, with his daily actions, he showed me that a person should chase his goals, never break down in front of anything and that life is way too beautiful to waste it worrying for little stuff.

I am thankful that every time when my world breaks apart, he is there to show me what’s left and then helps me gather the pieces one by one, and build a new one…a  better world!

I am thankful that exactly he is my father, and that just because he exists, nothing else matters!

For the “topping”: (more…)

My Favorite Healthy Treats Recipes

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Image source: pure2raw.com

The other day I was arguing with some friends about the topic on eating junk food or not. One of them haven’t eaten any crap for a month and she was planning on eating a ton of it on that particular day. Probably to make up for the days she ate clean!

I am totally aware that some crap every now and then, won’t ruin your efforts and your physique, but I still don’t like the idea. Why?

Because in my point of view, besides body composition goals, we are trying to get healthier. And after you start eating clean, a crappy meal full of junk and processed foods, only makes you feel sluggish, bloated, tired and just feeling like total crap!

In my oppinion the joy of eating junk food for 5-10 minutes is totally not worth the terrible feeling after that!

That’s why I have a better idea. If at times I crave eating some junk, just something sweet and different, I try not to eat processed crap. Instead I’d rather cook it myself. I use only real food, that nourishes my body, even if it is not something I would eat on a dialy basis!

The advantages of a healthy treat are that it tastes better than junk, it nourishes your body, it won’t make you feel like crap, it won’t hurt your physic as much as the junk food would and so forth!

That is why today I will give you some of my favorite recipes for a healthy treat! Check them out below!

It’s summer! Come on! You can’t get without ice cream, right? (more…)

Gluten Free Pineapple Upside Down Cake

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Image source: http://www.thealmondflower.com

It’s time to cook something healthy and delicious! I prepared this pinapple upside down cake. The cake is a creation of Mollie Frances.   Unfortunately I can’t show you the picture of my cake, because I am out of town and I forgot my camera, but I am attaching Mollie’s picture! Make sure to visit her website!

Ingredients: (more…)

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