Katerina Rangelova: Healthy Eating, Life and Sport Through The Eyes of A Culinary Expert

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Прекрасната Катя! :)
The beautiful Katerina! 🙂

Sometimes, there is something special about people. You stare at them and you are trying to figure out exactly what is it. What is it that makes them so magnetic, wonderful, important and significant?  No matter how long you stare, you can never find exactly one specific reason. Just because there isn’t such. What makes these people so special is their whole essence, their whole personality.

The passion, the desire, the drive with which they go though life. The inspiration they have- the key spice that helps them turn every moment into a masterpiece.

My guest today is this kind of person. Her name is Katerina Rangelova and she definitely knows how to turn every moment into a masterpiece and each food into an art and a  tasty meal.

I invited Katerina to share some of her unique, healthy recipes; share more about “the secrets”of healthy cooking and tell us how sport, healthy eating and taking care of her body was welcomed into her life.

IS:Introduce yourself

KR: Hi!  My name is Katerina Rangelova and I’m author of the blog Sugarmouse. In my blog I share all about my favorite hobbies – cooking, painting and DIY projects, but definitely lately the cooking recipes prevail.

I’m very pleased to be your virtual guest, Ines, thank you for the invitation!  When I go visit someone, I like to bring something sweet for the hosts, but as far as I know you’re not a big fan of desserts. So I prepared a little different “cupcakes” for you, I hope you like it (more…)

Vania's Healthy Banana-Melon Ice Cream

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How are you? Are you doing what I asked you for? Being active and eating healthy during the weekend? This Sunday I have a delicious recipe that is the result of Vania’s passion towards cooking. Here is her website but unfortunately it is a Bulgarian website… but you could still check out the pictures of her great meals and in case you like something, just write me and I could translate it for you! 🙂 Just the picture of her fluffy ice- cream was enough to make me feel the urge to prepare it immediately!

Ingredients: (more…)

My Favorite Healthy Treats Recipes

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
Continue ReadingMy Favorite Healthy Treats Recipes

Image source: pure2raw.com

The other day I was arguing with some friends about the topic on eating junk food or not. One of them haven’t eaten any crap for a month and she was planning on eating a ton of it on that particular day. Probably to make up for the days she ate clean!

I am totally aware that some crap every now and then, won’t ruin your efforts and your physique, but I still don’t like the idea. Why?

Because in my point of view, besides body composition goals, we are trying to get healthier. And after you start eating clean, a crappy meal full of junk and processed foods, only makes you feel sluggish, bloated, tired and just feeling like total crap!

In my oppinion the joy of eating junk food for 5-10 minutes is totally not worth the terrible feeling after that!

That’s why I have a better idea. If at times I crave eating some junk, just something sweet and different, I try not to eat processed crap. Instead I’d rather cook it myself. I use only real food, that nourishes my body, even if it is not something I would eat on a dialy basis!

The advantages of a healthy treat are that it tastes better than junk, it nourishes your body, it won’t make you feel like crap, it won’t hurt your physic as much as the junk food would and so forth!

That is why today I will give you some of my favorite recipes for a healthy treat! Check them out below!

It’s summer! Come on! You can’t get without ice cream, right? (more…)

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