Favorite Reads of the Week: 03/17/2012

Continue ReadingFavorite Reads of the Week: 03/17/2012

Image source: http://www.syattfitness.com

It’s the end of the week. Hope all of you worked out hard in the gym, ate clean, and felt awesome! Here are my favorite reads of the week. I know it is a long list, but it is not my fault that there are so many great individuals out there sharing their experience and knowledge! 😉 Take some time to read the articles! You won’t regret it! (more…)

Interview with Jordan Syatt

Continue ReadingInterview with Jordan Syatt

Jordan Syatt

It is said that one hour talk with a smart person is worth a lifetime of reading! That is exactly how I felt, taking this interview with Jordan Syatt- a strength training and nutritional consultant, and a competitive Powerlifter! Take the time to read what he shared with us, and I promise you that his words will light a fire inside of you. A fire that will drive a desire to learn more, to know more and to workout more! No matter how what I say to describe Jordan, words would just belittle the great person and expert he is! That is why I will just let him introduce himself… (more…)

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