Another night, when I am sitting on the floor, surrounded y silence. The kind of night silence, where it seems that nobody is there, and everybody I asleep, but it is still kind of loud around you. There isn’t anybody besides the thoughts that rush into your mind. Another night, when I rearrange the world. So many actors and everybody needs a role. I arrange the meaning and every time the piece fit perfectly together, somebody feels that he wasn’t give a significant role. Somebody is always feeling insignificant, neglected and somebody is always fighting for a different role. Then, I rearrange the meaning, but the place of everybody is always there, where it used to be in the beginning.
We spend our life in search of meaning. We live in a huge Universe, where there is place for everybody and everybody has his own role. We have limited the definition of success to one of its varieties and we have belittled all the rest. So many people and all of them are fighting for just one role. We forget that as every other plot, life has a role for everybody and the one under the spotlight, isn’t more important than the one behind the curtains – without all of them, the play won’t exist.
We are all fighting for the same role and we feel humiliated, not good enough when life gives us the costume and asks us to play another role.
For me, the Universe, the world is something like a living organism. We think that we are all separated from each other, but in reality we co –exist in order to sustain the same thing. Everything we do to others, we do it to our own self. Everything we do to ourselves, we do it to others. You know how in one living organism, when one cell is sick and suffering, the whole organism gets sick.
We forget that in an organism there isn’t a more important organ or cell. All of them have a particular role and a task. From the smallest particle, to the biggest organ – everything is connected. At first sight, every organ does, just, what it was created for. Just what it is made for. It seems like this, just if we look at part of the picture. But if we look everything as a whole, we see that every organ, by doing what it does best, serves to a higher goal – it sustains a complicated mechanism. It helps it function, develop and fulfill its potential.
Why do we think the Universe is any different? Why do we think that we are different? We search for meaning, which we never seem to find. We don’t do what we love, because we have belittled success to one of its varieties and we spend our whole life, trying to be successful in something that we somehow feel is not for us. Something that doesn’t bring us pleasure and satisfaction.
Last week, I listened to a podcast, which made me think about the MEANING. Like honey bees, who do what they are good at – they do honey. This is their job and they probably enjoy doing it. But is making honey their main purpose? Is making honey their mission? If you are not a honey bee and you have a look on the whole picture, you would know that bees pollinate flowers. They help flowers spread and decorate the world around us. Because of them, we can walk in a hot, summer day and pick a flower, which we can gift to somebody – to make somebody happy; somebody who needs our time and attention. And all of this, just because the bee doesn’t ask what is the meaning behind working; what is the meaning behind its existence. It just does what it is good at, while initiating a mechanism, which makes the world a better place.
Isn’t the meaning of our life the same? Just doing what we are good at and what brings us pleasure, without asking if this fits the limited definition of success. Without asking if it is enough, because let me tell you something. It is always enough. It is enough that tonight I am doing what I love – I give life to words, which come from the deepest corners of my soul. Words which will reach some of you – some will ignore them, and others will have a desperate need to grab them, to find strength in them, which will give them the confidence to do what they want.
By doing what I love, I won’t change the world, but I will help myself and somebody else who needs me. Then, the person who found the strength will gift a piece of it to somebody else. By doing what we love, we become stronger and we give strength to people in our life. What else could be the meaning of life?