Night Eating Syndrome: How I Stopped Eating During the Night?

Continue ReadingNight Eating Syndrome: How I Stopped Eating During the Night?

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…I just started eating healthy throughout the day. I am sure that most of you had or still have this problem… you open your eyes and it is still dark. Obviously it is not time to get out of bed. Oh, no! You feel the urge to eat during the night, go to the fridge and eat something- if it could be something sweet, that’d be perfect!

Why does it happen like that? Why do you wake up in the middle of the night with a strong desire to eat? (more…)

What Are You Hungry For?

Continue ReadingWhat Are You Hungry For?

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What are you hungry for?

We think that we are hungry for a better body!

We confuse ourselves that we are hungry for a better job…

We think we are hungry for more friends to count on…

We use food for comfort, when we truly need a caring word, a shoulder to cry and a helping hand to give us strength to get back up!

We dedicate everything (more…)

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