What to Do On Days When You Overeat

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Image source:http://www.mensfitness.com

One mistake that women and sometimes men often make, when they follow a nutrition plan is that one day, they overeat and on the next day, they are trying to make up for it and compensate by not eating at all, or even worse eating just fruits, thinking that this will”rub out” the bigger quantities of food form the day before!

What does it happen in this case?

This only interferes with you making nutrition part of your lifestyle!

Exactly how does it interfere? Well, if you (more…)

How to Help People Suffering From Eating Disorders

Continue ReadingHow to Help People Suffering From Eating Disorders

Image source: http://www.firstnews.co.uk

I was reading this post called “5 Reasons Bulimia Is a Bad Idea”  on Leigh Peele’s website, when I encountered this comment:

“I can speak from personal experiance on the lack of knowledge treatment facilities have. I was dealing with this issue for over 3 years and everyone told me to learn to accept my body but what I needed to do was learn to accept the correct way to use nutrition. That was never discussed. Thankfully through people like you and others I have learned what food does and does not do for the body and weight loss. That did more for me than therapy every did.”

That made me think about bulimia, anorexia and eating disorders as a whole. You know that in my family there were two people suffering from anorexia, so (more…)

Are You Making This Mistake Which Is Hindering Your Weight Loss Progress?

Continue ReadingAre You Making This Mistake Which Is Hindering Your Weight Loss Progress?



Image source: http://www.scientificamerican.com

Do you often struggle staying on track with your diet? Are you one of those people that try so hard to get everything right, but never manage to achieve your goal about a lean and sexy body? What is it that is stopping your progress? Probably you are cursed to be overweight? Wrong! That is impossible! The problem is YOU! The problem is in your head and your thoughts!

I almost can’t think of a woman who doesn’t struggle or at least struggled with a disordered eating! More often than not what hinders progress are (more…)

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