One Mistake You Probably Make When You Perform Deadlifts, But You Are Not Aware of It!
Today’s post will be one of those, that might be not really interesting to you. It might even seem annoying, but it has a huge importance, if you want to advance in the gym and be injury free.
As you know deadlifts are one of my favorite movements. There are a lot of key moments, that you should pay attention to, when you perform the exercise. And even if you are advanced and you think that there is nothing else you could work on, when it comes to your technique, trust me you have, the more you advance, the less you will need to worry about the hardships that some beginners face. But still, you will stumble over some new challenges, which might unconsciously force you to make a mistake, which could later on lead to an injury.
What am I talking about? (more…)