Are Athletes Dumber Than the Rest of People?

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Since I was little I have been involved in sports. I’ve practiced a lot of sports. You name it I did it. Even though my life has always revolved around sports, I always paid attention to school and studying and I never allowed myself to have bad grades. But I always detested the prejudiced point of view of teachers towards athletes. Even without knowing anything about you, when they hear you are an athlete, they put you in the pile with the dumber, the less perspective people and etc. Usually you need to make a big effort to get yourself out of this frame, that is limiting you and stigmatizing you!

I never understood this separation. Why would sport make you dumber? Why would sport limit your intellectual development and send you on the pile of being less than others? You see me walk around school with a basketball and you assume that this is all I am capable of… just dribble around and probably score some points during a game? Do you think that this runs out my whole potential to be something, to become somebody?

For all of you, who have such opinion, I want to explain you what it means to be an athlete. You have the right to (more…)

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