I will dedicate today’s post to food carvings. I doubt it that there is a person who doesn’t know what a food carving is but for those unfamiliar with it, that is basically an intense and urgent desire for some kind of food-and most often than not you won’t crave spinach or broccoli. What you’d crave will be some junk food- chocolate, ice cream or you name it.
So what hides behind that mysterious and unbearable desire to eat exactly the food that it is on your mind. Could it be simply hunger? Or is it something else? When you are hungry, you will feel the growling of your stomach and almost anything you put in your mouth will satisfy your need. But when you have a craving it is towards a particular food, and nothing else could satisfy it! That is the difference between mere hunger and food craving! The craving is literally the hunger of your brain! That is when your body is deficient in some essential nutrition. Some time ago I encountered on a list by Doug Setter of 2nd Wind Body Science, of the foods that people crave the most. For every junk food that is being craved , is pointed the nutrition that your body actually needs. And the best part is that the list contains the healthy option of the food that will provide your body with the vitamin or mineral that is lacking. Here you can see the whole list. What your food cravings mean!
And here is part of the list, click on the link above to see the whole list of foods.

I’ve been sticking to healthy eating for a long time and I can assure you that I’ve also been on that road, and I’ve also experienced the tripping over the food cravings. When I decided that I am gonna take junk food entirely out of my diet, I instinctively ate the healthy foods listed above, when I craved some junk. I consider nuts and fruits to be the best option, when it comes to “killing” the cravings. So take a look at the list and next time when your brain is pushing you to eat crap, go ahead for the healthier option! Fight the cravings a couple times and you will see how easy it is to stay on track, when you give your body what it needs in order to function.