Q&A: Everything about Running and Walking with Ankle Weights

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Ashley Horner
Ashley Horner

How is your week? I am pretty happy, that I finally feel rested and I can be back to working out the way I know. 😉 Next week I will share with you what I did with my workouts during the last month and a half and some of the conclusions I made for myself.

This week I chose to answer the questions about running and walking with ankle weights and if hip thrusters are appropriate for a main lower body movement. Here is my opinion. I’d be glad to read yours, so leave your comments below! (more…)

One of The Best Exercises to Make Your Glutes Strong and Sexy!

Continue ReadingOne of The Best Exercises to Make Your Glutes Strong and Sexy!


хип-тръстер Инес Субашка

Probably most of you are aware that I insist on training your lower body! I think that strong legs and glutes are the base of a healthy, athletic, functional and good looking body! I’ve shared a lot of times, some of the exercises I use in order to train my lower body!

One of the exercises, which I LOVE are hip thrusters! Here the credit goes to Bret Contreras, who is known as “The glute guy”! This is probably due to the fact that hip thrusts are incredibly effective, when it comes to strengthening your glutes and hamstrings! Everything I know about this exercise, I’ve learned from Bret’s website(HERE), which is an outstanding source of information, especially for those of you who are interested in the details of what, how and why you are supposed to do!

What is a hip thruster? (more…)

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