Are You Doing These Exercises to Get Tighter Butt and Strong Legs?
If you read my blog, you know how much I insist on working out for the lower body! Some time ago I wrote an article about the Chicken Legs Syndrome, which is a really “dangerous disease”. 😉
If you have been training for a while, I hope that you already incorporate squats and deadlifts in your training program and I do not need to remind you of their importance for a strong and healthy body!
Today I want to focus on unilateral exercises for the lower body ( or in other words single leg work). For the past 6 months, single leg work is a big part of my training program and I think that this has helped a lot for my progress.
More often than not, people neglect single leg work, first because these exercises are not so popular and second, because they are a little more challenging, because they require a lot more balance and coordination.
Let me first share the positive sides of single leg work and then I will explain you how I incorporate them in my workouts and which single leg exercises are on my top list!