3 Not So Obvious Reasons Why You Can’t Get Your Dreamed Body

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1.You have bad relationship with… YOURSELF

Yes, you understood me! As lame as this may sound, if you don’t like yourself and if you can’t stand the person you are, you are hardly ever gonna achieve what you want! If you give it a thought, I doubt it that you even know exactly what you want, because you always find something you don’t like about yourself and you are never content with who you are. Nowadays emotional eating is a big problem. As you know from one of my last posts, I struggled with emotional eating for a long time. It definitely interfered with my progress and my body composition goals. After all, nutrition plays a big role, when you aim for a fit and healthy body. If every time when something disappoints you, you redirect the negativity towards yourself, trying to avoid your problems, by eating, no matter how much you train, the results want be satisfying!

Start loving yourself! You have absolutely no idea what a wonderful feeling that can be! Look yourself in the mirror and love what you see! Even if you don’t look exactly the way you want to, tell yourself “Well, I have some cellulite but with my new eating habits and my intense workouts, it will be gone soon!”

It seems like pure madness, but the more positive thoughts you have about yourself, the better you are gonna feel and the more you will use food for fuel and not to fill emotional emptiness!

Read this:

Food for comfort? NO MORE!

You can’t fix a body you hate

2.You train A LOT, but the wrong way (more…)

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