When Healthy Eating Goes Wrong

Continue ReadingWhen Healthy Eating Goes Wrong

Image source: http://www.healthfiend.com

 Picture taken from: healthfiend.com

Too much of a good thing? Is that even possible?  I remember when I was in high school I was really keen on philosophy. My mother had a degree in philosophy and we often talked about it. One day I had an assignment for school and she told me how choices are like a fan. One end of the fan is the worst choice and the other end is the best choice. If you tried to bring the fan together, both ends would touch. That means that extremes, no matter if they are with good or with bad intentions lead to the same place- self- destruction.

That is what happens if you are being way too healthy! There is nothing wrong with making smart choices when it comes up to the food you fuel your body with! But it is all about balance! It is an ongoing balancing act between pushing your limits for the right reasons versus the wrong reasons!

When you turn in an exercise and healthy eating fanatic, it all goes (more…)

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