Today I have a really special guest- Ben Greenfield. He is an ex bodybuilder, Ironman athlete, Spartan racer, coach, speaker and author of the bestseller “Beyond Training:Mastering Endurance Training, Health and Life”.
He is one of the most influential people in the world of health and fitness and I really recommend you to read his book.
Nowadays, health experts are everywhere, but you can always recognize those who really know what they are talking about from those who just pretend they do. And people like Ben are pretty much a wealth of knowledge and an endless source of inspiration. Everything you need to know is on his website If he hasn’t written about it he has probably interviewed somebody who has.
Some of the topics that we will dig in:
-what is the best way to get super fit
-why Ben believes that a high fat diet, can benefit even endurance athletes
–is a high fat diet is ok for everybody and if there are some negative metabolic reactions when it comes to women and a high fat diet?
-how fast the human body could do an Ironman without actually training for one ( how did Ben do it)
-how do you achieve the perfect marriage between health and performance?
– what is HRV and how to use it in order to track your recovery and the way your nervous system responds to different stimulus
-fueling on bulletproof coffee before an endurance event
-what is the difference when it comes to diets for performance and for lifestyle and health. And is there such a difference?
-how do you apply cold thermogenesis in your life and what are the benefits of it? How could one start using cold thermogenesis in order to derive health benefits?
-what are the top three tricks to biohack your home and how to stop electromagnetic damage to your body?
-is high fat/low car appropriate for kids and how Ben’s children fuel their body
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