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Today I will tell you something really honest! There isn’t such a thing, as “I eat really good and I work out properly, but I do not achieve any results.” If I collected 1$ for every time when somebody tells me this, I would be among the top ten millionaires in Forbes magazine. Sometimes, people’s incline to fool themselves is astonishing.

We set a particular goal and we think we’ve found the proper method to achieve it. Initially we might be really consecutive and really follow the right steps towards success, but there comes a moment, when slowly but surely, the old, bad habits start creeping back- stepping silently on their toes and becoming the center of our daily life. And we are so obsessed with the fake notion, that we’ve changed our lifestyle and that we are on the right track, so the lack of results is torturing our mind.

Why do people quit on a healthier lifestyle?

Often times people quit on the healthy lifestyle, on the desire to feel better and become fitter, because they claim they’ve tried everything, but it never seems to work. They consider they have bad genes.

Well, truth is that for a person who is denying the reality, there is always enough meaningful excuses, which will explain the lack of results.

I can’t even explain you how many times, I get to ask people who I coach, about their nutrition. And if you listen to them, they are all so strict, that every now and then, they manage to perplex me. If they are eating so good, why there is no obvious results? Sure, this is not true for everybody. I am surrounded by wonderful, hardworking, dedicated people, but there is always somebody, who wastes his hard work in the gym, by cheating himself in the kitchen.

What was my experiment?

That’s why I decided to make an experiment and I asked one of my clients, who was constantly explaining that she is doing everything right, but she doesn’t have results, to be my experimental “rabbit”. So I assigned her the task: for one week, she was supposed to take picture of everything she eats. It doesn’t matter if it is just one bite or one spoon. If there is food that is eaten, then a snap shot must be taken!

As a whole, you know that I am not a fan of strictly counting calories and measuring food, so I don’t recommend it on a daily basis. This was just a try to prove her that she was just fooling herself.

So she followed my advice and the results were shocking…at least for her. For me they were more like something I expected.

It turned out, that she is not as strict as she thought she was. She found out, how on a daily basis she skips remembering her sporadic walks to the kitchen, when she eats a scoop or one of peanut butter. And it turned out that for the whole day, she would have 5-6 additional scoops of peanut butter, which she never writes down in her food log.

It turned out, that while she is prepping her meals for the day, she eats a pretty solid amount of meat and bacon… just between the prepping.

And because it was the season of fruits, it turned out that she gets to eat a couple pieces of fruit, that she “forgets” to write down.

After all, she was really shocked by the fact she let her old habits, creep back in her life- every one of them, in small portions, but when you add them up, they turned out to be “the stone that turns the cart.”

And this is not just her story. This happens with so many people, who think that they are eating good and that they are not overeating, but still the results aren’t there.

“If nobody saw you eating it, it doesn’t count as eaten”

The truth is that the rule “If nobody saw you eating it, it doesn’t count as eaten” in reality is not valid. Truth is that if you make efforts, but you don’t see results, you are probably making the mistake to fool yourself.

Are you really so strict with your nutrition? Or are you doing something like this:

-eating a couple handfuls of nuts, while working?

-eating unconsciously a couple pieces of bacon, every time you prep your meal?

-adding a lot of calorie dense condiments to your meals, but never writing then down?

The same is true for workouts. If you think that you are working out properly, but you don’t have results, ask yourself:

Am I really resting just one minutes between sets? Or maybe you forget how you lose track of time, by chatting with the gym rats and your rests become 5-7 minutes longer?

Do you really train with enough intensity? Or maybe you forget that squatting with the bar is already a piece of cake, but you never seem to get out of your comfort zone, by adding some more weights?

Do you really perform the movements with a full ROM, so you can derive the maximum out of it? Or maybe you are missing the fact, that you are cheating on the deep squats; you don’t get your chest to the floor when you perform push-ups; you don’t lower your back foot when you perform Bulgarian squats and so forth?

Truth is that there is always a logical explanation for lack of results. The question is if you are honest with yourself! So, if you are one of those people, who think they are doing plenty, but the results aren’t coming, ask yourself: “Am I fooling myself?”

Are you allowing the old, bad habits, to creep back in, imperceptibly and sabotage your progress?


Don’t forget to download my FREE E-Book- 30 Exercises on Becoming a Wonder Woman. Download it HERE.

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Ines Subashka

Инес Субашка е основател на IFS - зали за кондиционни тренировки и мобилност. Автор е на 6 книги за здравословно хранене и движение. https://inspiredfitstrong.com/bg/za-ines/bio/

Ела да тренираш в някоя от залите ни

Предизвикай себе си и направи крачка към по-здравото си Аз. Груповите тренировки в IFS са различни – при нас броят на трениращите в група е ограничен и всеки има различна тренировка, изготвена според индивидуалните му нужди. Тренировки има през целия ден и ще намериш удобно време и локация, според графика ти. Очакваме те в IFS.

Зала IFS Стрелбище

гр. София, ж.к. Стрелбище, ул. Мила родина 36
+359 877 963 124

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гр. София, кв. Изток, ул. Незабравка 25 (от страната на Борисовата градина, под ресторанта на Парк Хотел Москва)
+359 877 963 124

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