Workout of the day, December,29
If you are a beginner,scale: 3 km run for time
Workout of the day, December,24
If you are a beginner scale: 2km run for time If you are advanced: 3,5km for time
Workout of the day, December, 23
Rest 90 seconds after the 400m run and then start the next 5 minutes! If you are a beginner, scale: 3 times x AMRAP in 5 min 3 band assisted…
Workout of the day, November, 24
If you are a beginner, scale: 3 rounds: 3 minutes max distance run 2 minutes rest If you are advanced: 3 rounds: 5 minutes max distance run 3 minutes rest
Workout of the day, November, 20
If you are a beginner, scale: 800m run 10 band assisted pull ups or horizontal pull ups 400m run 10 band assisted pull ups or horizontal pull ups 800m run…
Workout of the day, November, 13
If you are a beginner, scale : 2km run- stop every 400 metres and complete 10 air squats and 5 times plank to push up
Workout of the day, November,8
If you are a beginner,scale: 200m run- 30 sec rest 400m run- 1min rest 600m run- 90 sec rest 800m run- 2min rest 1km run
Workout of the day, November,5
If you are a beginner, sclae to 3km run for time!
Workout of the day, October, 25
If you are a beginner scale: 3 rounds: 200m run 20 KB swings with 8kg 200m tire dragging If you are advanced: 3 rounds: 400m run 20KB swings with…