Workout of the day, February, 10

Tabata- for 4 minutes, 20 seconds do the movement at max effort, rest 10 second. You have to complete 8 rounds of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest!
If you are a beginner: (more…)
Workout of the day, January, 2
If you are a beginner, scale: 3 rounds: 5 tire flips( pick an appropriate tire) 5 burpees without the push up after each flip 10 swings 30 single jumps on…
Workout of the day, December, 27
If you are a beginner, scale: 50 single jumps on rope 3 rounds: 10 air squats 10 push ups on knees 10 swings 50 single jumps on rope If you…
Workout of the day, December, 12
If you are a beginner, scale: AMRAP in 10min: 10 thrusters (scale the weight r use just a PVC pipe) 15 burpees without the push up 50 single jumps on…
Workout of the day, November, 29
If you are a beginner, scale: 3 rounds: 20 kettlebell swings with 8kg 20 push ups on knees 50 single jumps on rope
Workout of the day, November, 4
If you are a beginner, scale: 3 rounds: 5 tire flips(5 burpees without push up, after each flip) 10 sledgehammer hits 15 swings 50 jumps on rope Scale the…