Carbs for Breakfast? BIG Mistake!

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A couple nights ago, I was out with some friends for a dinner. As usually we couldn’t spend a night without talking about the way I eat, and how many eggs a day I eat. Everybody is always surprised, how I am still alive, if for the last 2-3 years I eat about 5-8 eggs a day! A real miracle, I guess! 😉 (read here)

This time everybody was interested in my breakfast of eggs, butter and veggies. I have a lot of friends, who claim they eat healthy and of course they never miss the oats for breakfast. I already shared my opinion about grains here, and today I want to share my opinion about eating carbs for breakfast.

Not that I am always trying to have  the opposite opinion, but it just somehow comes from within! 🙂 With years, you’ve been told how most carbs should be eaten in the morning and the more the day goes by, the less carbs you should eat. Do I agree with that? Obviously, NO!

Let’s first (more…)

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