Yoanna Hristova: Life Beyond Limitations

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Yoanna Hristova

Ines Subashka: Introduce yourself.

Yoanna Hristova: My name is Yoanna Hristova. I am 25 years old and I live in Sofia, Bulgaria. I graduated aviation technologies in Technical University of Sofia.

IS: How long have you been participating in the stunting workouts? Have you been involved in other sports before that?

YoH: I’ve been going to stunting workouts for the past 4 years. Before that I did aikido, brake dance, climbing and taekwondo.

IS: How did you decide to start going to stunting workouts?

YoH: I was interested in that sport and in extreme activities as a whole, since I was in high school. I’ve always wanted to pursue this. When I found out that there is stunting workouts , I didn’t hesitate to get a membership.

Yoanna Hristova

IS: Everybody who has seen you, has probably noticed the graceful way in which you move in the gym and the way you perform the stunts. You make the audience think, that what you are doing is a piece of cake, when in reality the movements are really complicated. What is the movement that challenged you the most?

YoH: (more…)

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