The Truth About Adding Variety to Your Workouts! Do You Really Need It?

Continue ReadingThe Truth About Adding Variety to Your Workouts! Do You Really Need It?

Tanya Etessam

Probably each one of you, who has the scarce idea of working out, has heard the notion, how in order to have progress, you should be constantly stressing your body. And for that goal, they say you are supposed to use all kind of different exercises, in order to introduce the desired variety.

The happiest day of my life, was the one, when I understood that this is a really wrong understanding of a proper workout. Or at least not the statement itself, but its interpretation. I completely agree with the fact, that in order to progress you should exert some kind of stress upon your body. Because if you do the same thing all over again, there will come a time when your body will adapt and even if you keep on progressing, your results won’t be proportional to the efforts you make.

In the desire to bring more variety, a lot of trainees neglect the basic, compound movements and instead they do all kind of fancy movements, which could be perfectly applied in circus, but not in the gym, where the goal is to use your time effectively, in order to achieve optimal results- a combination of function and appearance.

Today I will share with you some of the right approaches ( at least in my opinion), in order to achieve the variety you search for, without gaining experience as a circus artist. (more…)

What is the Missing Link in Your Workouts? What is the Key to an Effective Workout?

Continue ReadingWhat is the Missing Link in Your Workouts? What is the Key to an Effective Workout?

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Yesterday I was for a walk in the park with my best friend, who is a professional basketball player! She was telling me about her new team and her coach, as well as for the upcoming conditioning. She told me how her coach, explained how there are two girls on the team who spend ALL DAY LONG in the gym and they actually work out!

Shocking! This is a BIG,BIG mistake that most people do- Lack of intensity in workouts! If your workouts have enough intensity, you won’t need to spend way too much time in the gym and I guarantee you that you won’t have the strength to train longer. Fortunately, lately more people who work out, realize that “more” doesn’t always mean “better”. This is so true for workouts! Longer training sessions aren’t an equivalent to more effective workouts!

Let’s first find out what intensity means. (more…)

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