Ladies: Some Tips How to Feel Comfortable in The Weightlifting Room

Continue ReadingLadies: Some Tips How to Feel Comfortable in The Weightlifting Room



I remember the first time I decided to visit the weightlifting room. I spend a lot of time, walking around the building and I couldn’t find the courage to walk inside! Until then, I have never touched weights and I did not know what to expect. When I go somewhere, I love knowing that I belong there, and that day I was convinced I was gonna resemble a primal person, teleported in 21st century!

After a lot of hesitating, I dared to walk in the weightlifting room. I felt weird. The countless number of machines in the gym, overwhelmed me. They looked like an invention by some great scientist, and I had no idea what to do with them! Men, walking around, acting strong and staring with the bad look, only made me feel worse and made me ask myself, what was I doing there!

Obviously you are getting my idea, and I am no exception- as most of you are fearing to enter the gym, I did too. I hope that you will trust me, that after all it is not that scary, and now I am totally hooked and I never skip a day without entering the weightlifting room!

In order to encourage you to give it a try, I decided to give you a couple tips, how you could feel more comfortable in the weightlifting room!

1. (more…)

Did You Know The Truth About Women And Weights?

Continue ReadingDid You Know The Truth About Women And Weights?

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As you already know I love lifting heavy weights! I love doing squats, deadlifts, cleans, push presses, throwing around sledgehammers, kettlebells and tires! More often than not I get disapproval from people around and sometimes it is really annoying! In the gym where I am now working out, there is that guy, who often comes closer to me and asks why I am lifting such heavy things, and why I am doing these exercises when I am only a woman. As he states “ These movements are for big men. It is not good for you to do them!” (more…)

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